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Spring Semester According to Parks and Rec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Spring semester has been zipping by students at Notre Dame, as it seems like only yesterday we were coming fresh off spring break! It may seem like a sunny coast into summer, but we all know that spring semester can be filled with incredible ups and downs. To help express this vernal roller coaster, enjoy these Parks and Rec gifs.

Gearing up for the last half of the semester:

Seeing your friends after your Spring Break spent at home is over:

Then March 31st rolls around:

You congratulate your siblings for choosing (shocker!) Notre Dame as their college:

Still looking for the first signs of spring:

After your Bookstore Basketball game:

Trying to finalize your major:

Your mom advising you on possible job options:

You run out of Domer Dollars:

Wondering how the dining hall bananas can be simultaneously bruised and green at the same time:

Justifying spending $100 on new spring clothes:

Finishing up that last term paper:

In denial about leaving your friends for three months:

Saying goodbye to that cute kid in your class that you’ll never see again:

Running out of your last final:

Now you can finally have an awesome summer:

Okay, study break over! It’s time to go out there and make this spring semester your semester. Or at the very least, it’s time for a little Parks and Rec binge on Netflix.


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Caitie McAuliffe is a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame and is majoring in the Program of Liberal Studies and Economics. She is from Durham, Connecticut and lives in PW while at Notre Dame.