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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I have turned this isolation into my ideal world. I think people sometimes forget the value of silence, of having time, of enjoying our own company and the company of our families. We finally have time for ourselves, time to put into action that creative project we’ve always wanted to start but were too busy to, time to pamper ourselves, practice a new skill, relax. 

I never really got along with spontaneity or last-minute get-togethers and have always appreciated what is now considered a quarantined life. However, when I arrived at college this quickly changed. I was constantly busy with classes, extracurriculars, homework and other activities that pulled me away from that time I so much appreciated having for myself. So this time of forced isolation and social distancing has become my perfect excuse to go back to myself. To do all those things that I have always had to put aside because of an everyday routine and the responsibilities that come along with it but also to try new things.

Who’s even looking?

Maybe you are just now getting to know your hair. Whether this means putting no heat to it, leaving it down or discovering its real texture without the influence of pollution or weather factors. But this might also mean getting to know what works for you or looks good on you because at the end of the day, who’s even looking? 

Maybe it works

Who knows? It might even be a turning point. I have made a point to discover a new talent of mine that I would have never considered before. Whether this is photography, writing, dancing, singing or cooking just give it a chance but be consistent, don’t just quit on your first try.  

Who would’ve thought

Can you be busy during quarantine? Believe it or not, yes, but it is all up to you. Not just from school work but also from making the most out of every day. Try to have busy days from time to time, to feel productive and have that sense of accomplishment. Maybe plan out your day a night before or have tasks that you wish to get done before the next day.

Someone else would love this

You don’t need an excuse for this. I think it is also important to think of those who don’t get to live quarantine like we do. Help from home. Find an organization, movement, awareness message or anything that makes you feel something, that moves you, and take action. 

I am not sure how long this will last but let’s make it our perfect excuse. Our perfect excuse to think a little bit more about ourselves and maybe even discover new things along the way. We don’t have to be anywhere by a certain time, drive anywhere, meet anyone. Wouldn’t this seem like the ideal situation after a stressful and busy couple of days in our “normal” lives? 

Yes, it is horrible to have had an abroad experience that felt more like a one month vacation, to try to adapt to online classes and all of its dynamics and to end your semester abruptly without getting a chance to enjoy Notre Dame and its people. These are things we can’t change but there are plenty of things we can. Starting from our relationship with ourselves, our own company and time.


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Alexia Torrico

Notre Dame '21

Hola! My name is Alexia and I am a Senior Finance major and Collaborative Innovation minor at Notre Dame. I am so excited to experience college through my writing!