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Notre Dame Basic: Bro Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

We’ve seen what makes a Notre Dame girl “basic”, so I think it’s time we considered what the characterisitics of a Notre Dame “basic bro” are. According to Urban Dictionary, “The basic bro will gravitate toward such things as fantasy football, golf, untucked button downs (especially for evening look), [and] own a significant amount of sports attire.” These few characteristics already describe a large number of ND guys, but let’s focus in closer on what it means to be a basic bro here at ND.

The basic bro of Notre Dame wears:

Sperry’s up until the time single digits hit campus. Once, it becomes too cold for the basic bro’s ankles he most likely switches to these

I know there seems to be enough Bean Boots and Hunters on girls on campus to fill up a few lecture halls, but at least there’s more variety in how the basic Notre Dame woman wears her footwear.

Side Note: Once, this guy asked me if I thought he was pulling off the Timberland boots or if he looked like a tool. At the time, I just looked at him until he gave up on finding an answer, which is an effective method if used on occasion. Now, I would’ve told him, “Well, you look like a basic bro.”

The basic bro of Notre dame drinks:

Beer. He may not discriminate in his choice of beer, or he could prefer the taste of the nicer regional brews. But at the end of the week, when he and his bros throw a party one of two things will be involved: Keystone or Hamm’s.

The basic bro of Notre Dame takes seriously:

Drinking games of any kind involving three things – beer, solo cups, and ping pong balls. These games are long-term; there are standings, whether or not their written or unspoken. Notre Dame bros are into their pregame rituals (or all day/all night) just as much as Notre Dame girls are.

Basic bros also take their health and fitness pretty seriously here, which isn’t anything to complain about. But, there’s a lot of Muscle Milk, or the equivalent, consumption at Notre Dame. And there’s no small amount of talk among bros about it either.

The basic bro of Notre Dame has:

A bromance… or two. Whether his bromance is with his roommate from freshman year, that guy he studied abroad last summer in London, or his entire section, he’s got one. Notre Dame basic bros like to travel in packs. They don’t go places solo, if they go anywhere at all. This is evident pretty much everywhere you look in ND culture. You can see it in the dining halls, in classrooms, at parties and bars; however, in their defense, they do seem capable of taking trips to the bathroom solo.  

The Notre Dame basic bro may come off:

A bit self-righteous. Hey, to be fair, most guys who get into Notre Dame are used to excelling at everything they do: they’re athletic and good-looking. Sometimes, it may seem that Notre Dame just breeds a culture obsessed with being successful because such an overwhelming majority of our alums are. So, there are a few basic bros at Notre dame who take themselves a little too seriously, may be a little too conceded, but it usually wears off after the first year, if it’s not just superficial to begin with.  

So be aware, boys: You are “basic” too.


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From the Beach to the Bend! I am a Junior Political Science major at the University of Notre Dame originally from Laguna Beach, CA (...yes, like the show). I am minoring in Constitutional Studies and Energy Studies, both of which are much more exciting than they sound I promise! In typical California style, I am obsessed with fish tacos and all things eco-chic! And I am constantly dancing or choreographing in my head!