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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The weight of this year became even heavier last Friday, when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. I can’t help but have a deep sadness that sits in my chest knowing the world has lost a tremendous advocate for women, for equality, for justice. Yet, the more I read and watch about Justice Bader Ginsburg, the more I feel empowered to remember her through action. I can’t help but feel that she would have little time for sadness and tears. She would be focused on the continuation of good work. 

Educate yourself on her legacy

Odds are, you know her name. But take some time this week and the weeks to come to really get to know her. Read her work, the way in which she writes decisions with such concise power. Watch her documentary. Get to know her in her totality. As a Justice, a mother, a loving wife, an advocate for equality (and a fitness queen).

Register to vote

Seriously, just do it. We all need to vote in this presidential election, but also in our local elections. That’s where we can really start to create change, where we all have the power to speak up and see things happen. 

Show up to the polls (or more likely make arrangements to receive your absentee ballot 

I really wish I could walk into a physical polling place this year. Make a day out of it. Take the time to acknowledge the privilege of the opportunity but also the power in harnessing my civic duty. For many, absentee ballots will be the voting form of choice. And you know what, I’m damn excited for that piece of paper to show up in my mailbox and even more excited to send it back filled out. 

Fight for what’s right

In all of the social media tributes and posts, I read one quote that hit me hard. I felt that it’s simplicity and directness spoke to the true, unbreakable goodness of this woman. 

    “If you know what the right thing is, you keep working at it until it succeeds.” 

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 

Center justice 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for the equality and dignity of all persons, regardless of their identities. She saw we are all human people entitled to respect and fairness. We need to make sure that no matter where we are that message is held up for all. Whether it’s in the classroom, the office, your home, our government, our laws, justice for all persons must be the foundation. 

Do not let Donald Trump pick her replacement

It was her last request. A woman who has led her entire life in service to those who don’t have a voice, in service to the fierce battle for equality does not want the current President to choose her replacement. Even in her final moments, Ruth was still thinking about the fight for justice and the great amount of work left to do. 

Dissent, dissent, dissent

Perhaps you can’t make the change today. Perhaps all the voices of power are against you. There is still great value in standing up and speaking out about your disagreement. We all have the ability to say “No, this is not right and here is why.” When you do not agree, make your dissent heard.

Keep fighting

She never gave up. We can’t either. 

Have courage

I was reading over some of the statements from her fellow Justices. There are so many things to be said and remembered about this inspiring woman, but I was particularly struck by the words of Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas remembers her for the incredible dignity, grace and courage Ruth Bader Ginsburg showed in the face of tremendous adversity. Through the loss of her beloved husband and her arduous battle against cancer “not once did the pace or quality of her work suffer.” Justice Bader Ginsburg’s unmatched courage should inspire us to have strength in the small moments. Things seem to be going from bad to worse, yet there is hope. I truly believe that Justice Bader Ginsburg would want us, powered by the legacy of her courage, to keep fighting her fight. 

Emma Koster

Notre Dame '22

Hi! My name is Emma and I'm a junior at the University of Notre Dame. I'm so excited to be studying psychology, journalism, and digital marketing here at ND! In my free time I love to read, eat yummy snacks, and hang out with friends.