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Nadia Tiy: A Girl Who’s Super Fly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Nadia Tiy has been writing for Her Campus Notre Dame since the beginning of the semester, and she has already contributed some really incredible pieces of work, including Long Distance Relationship: Study Abroad Edition and Why I Love Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.  I may be biased (because she’s one of my closest friends) but she’s one of the most genuine individuals you’ll ever meet.  She would give you the shirt on her back if you needed it, even in the middle of the South Bend winter (we all know how significant that is).  Meet Nadia, the junior Howard Duck, proud Minnesotian, and lover of all things Russian.    

Why do you love being a Howard Duck?

First and foremost I love the people in Howard. I have been really lucky and have been surrounded by lovely ladies both as roommates and floor mates who have made Howard an absolutely awesome place to be. Secondly, the location is great because it is right across from the best dining hall on campus, South.

What do you appreciate most about your major?  Your minor?

I love being a Russian major because it has taught me to analyze what I am reading in a way I never would have been able to do otherwise. I also LOVE being able to study the culture and history of Russia because it is so diverse and fascinating.  I love my Education, Schooling, and Society minor because it has taught me a lot about the issues that face this country every day. I also find the education system fascinating and getting to look at it from different perspectives is super exciting.

What advice would you give to your freshman self?

Do not be afraid to be alone and to be yourself.

What is one piece of advice you would give a friend about men or dating?

Do not be afraid to be single, because you need to be okay with who you are as a person before you can be ready to be with someone else.

What is one thing you think needs to change about Notre Dame?

We need to be able to talk about the issues that Notre Dame has. Often people have a hard time saying that they don’t love Notre Dame or that they have issues with Notre Dame because there is a perception that everyone else around them loves it all the time. We need to have a campus culture where we can confront the issues that we see so that we can fix them.

What’s your favorite ND joke or pun??

The Hesburgh Library being called Club Hes.

What is your favorite snapchat filter?

I really like any and every iteration of the crown filter (think flower crown, leaf crown, sparkles around your head) because they fit exactly how I feel whenever I have accomplished something. My favorite snapchat that I have ever taken, however, was with the two-person giraffe filter with my mom. So I guess I like that filter too.

Images: Provided by Nadia Tiy

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