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Movies from Your Childhood You Need to Rewatch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Growing up, my siblings and I obsessively watched these old animated movies. We’ve randomly referenced them here and there over the years, but it hadn’t occurred to me until recently that I literally remembered nothing about the plots of any of them. We decided to think back to some of our favorites and make a list of ones we had completely forgotten about. While all we tend to remember what these movies look like, I think it’s easy to forget how genuinely funny, heartwarming or heartbreaking they are. Now, having now rewatched a few of them, I listed below some of my favorites that I would recommend taking a second look at. And, if you happen to have not seen one of them, be sure to check it out!

Lady and the Tramp

Definitely worth a revisit! I think the only thing I remembered when I thought of Lady and the Tramp was the famous spaghetti scene, but after rewatching it I was surprised as to how many other iconic moments I had forgotten about. It’s a perfect feel-good movie. Plus, the live-action remake is set to come out next month!

The Land Before Time

The Land Before Time is a huge crowd-pleaser, and totally worth a revisit. All I remembered from this movie was Littlefoot and how adorable he is, but I think we all forgot that Littlefoot’s mom dies in the first few minutes. Just a warning.

The Rescuers

The Rescuers seems to always be one of those movies that everyone simultaneously loves and hasn’t seen since they were six years old. I definitely think it’s one of the more underrated animated Disney movies!

Home on the Range

I’ve come to find that anyone I’ve talked to about this movie has literally no idea what I’m talking about. I have no idea if this was just some weird obsession I had with my siblings, but we still love this movie. It’s incredibly cute and funny.

The Fox and the Hound

If you’re looking to have a good cry, this should help.


I think it’s worth noting that I’ve met more than a few people who have never even heard of this movie, yet it’s one of my favorite movies from when I was younger. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend taking the time to watch it. If anything, you should at least rewatch the opening sequence. It’s breath-taking. Plus, Matt Damon voices the main character.

A Goofy Movie

I hate to admit that this movie still makes me laugh. What’s worse is that I used to watch its sequel An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) an obscene amount of times when we were younger. Seriously, if you haven’t also seen the sequel, you are missing out.


Balto is another one of my siblings’ favorite movies from our childhood. It’s definitely worth the watch, and it’s even better because it’s based on a true story!

Whether it’s only your second or twenty-second time watching any of these, I think we should all take some time out of our busy college lives to sit back and remember the good old days with one of these movies!

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Quinn Butler

Notre Dame '21

Hi guys! My name is Quinn and I’m a sophomore at Notre Dame majoring in Film with a minor in Digital Marketing. I’m from Rye, NY but I’m a current resident of Ryan Hall. I’m new to Her Campus and am so excited to share my thoughts and stories with you all!