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Monday Angst As Told By Winona Ryder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

We’ve been dreading this day since we left campus last week for Thanksgiving break. Whether your break was totally hectic or super relaxing, the prospect of having to wake up for class on Monday is suddenly making you feel sick.

While we love being back on campus, sometimes there are simply no words to describe the disgust we have towards the first day of the week. Thankfully, Winona Ryder, the queen of angst, is able to do it for us. 

There’s nothing worse than the sound of your 7:45 am alarm. It plays over and over again in your nightmares, reminding you that you have to get out of bed if you want to grab coffee before Gen Chem (which really isn’t an option). 

After hitting the snooze button five times, you drag your half-dead self out of bed…

And despite your cup of coffee, your brain still doesn’t seem to be working.

You’re sitting in your 8:20 class in what you wore to bed, and your friend shows up looking perfect as usual. 

Meanwhile, you can’t help but notice that pretty much everyone in the lecture hall is clearly in no state to be there.

And your professor reminds you that finals are coming up soon. 

You realize that you just zoned out through most of the lecture and you wake up in a state of utter confusion. 

You might as well have just not shown up at all.

You’re in line for another cup of coffee when you remember that you have homework due for your next class. 


Maybe it’d just be better if you let this one slide…

And here comes the self-loathing…

You figure it would just be best for everyone if you crawled back in bed…

But you’ve gotta suffer through your other classes first. 

And just when you’re about to reach your breaking point…

You realize that you just made it through your classes, and that if you could survive today, you can survive the rest of the week. 

No, really, you deserve an award or something. 

Go Irish, beat Mondays!

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