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Major Drama: How a Stranger in Waddicks Changed My Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

“I’m Katrina and I’m a sophomore Poli-Sci major. No, actually, American Studies. Wait, no, I declared Film last spring, but I’m actually an English and Studio Art double…or minor. I’m not sure yet.”

Sound familiar? I thought so.

Changing your major is no big deal. As a freshman, (or sophomore) you might be confused about what you’re really interested in. Being forced to essentially decide what you want to do with the rest of your life is not fair. The freedom Notre Dame offers in terms of classes and major combinations can be quite overwhelming to say the least. Additionally, most students here double major or pick up a minor to complement their primary major. I know engineers with Business minors and A&L students with double majors AND a minor! How they find time to balance everything while still participating in clubs and dorm activities is beyond me!

Thankfully, we aren’t really expected to choose a major until the end of sophomore year. Which is perfect! Because at this point, I don’t think I trust myself enough to choose what flavor fro-yo I want in the dining hall tonight (just kidding, cookies and cream ALL DAY!). Honestly, it’s a stressful process of what-ifs and self-doubt. But, if you do it right you won’t regret a thing!

I’m not going to tell you what you should or should not major in, but what did it for me was a phone conversation I couldn’t help but overhear in Waddick’s the other day.

Before this event, it felt as though I was completely lost in terms of my life goals. I want to major in English, because it’s what I love; but the constant quizzical looks and disengaged “Oh” I get whenever I share what I’m doing really gets old after a while. So, I did what any Notre Dame student would do and picked up a Latino Studies minor. I was satisfied, but not happy.

Anyways, the girl behind me in Waddick’s was talking about her exciting art classes and the doubt she initially had in enrolling. But she stayed in it because she realized that it doesn’t really matter what you major in, but what you do in the meantime, just as long as you are happy.

And it hit me. It’s the internships and jobs you land and the networking you will do with exciting alumni that counts the most. More importantly, life is about being happy. And if happy means sitting on a stool playing with clay while eating Easy Mac, then I’m ready for happiness. But if it means sitting at a nine to five, doing some mundane task that I care nothing about, then I do not want it. Because, too many people are concerned about the money they will make after college and I’m just concerned about the souls I can touch. And that makes me happy enough.

Point of the story, you’re in college to have fun, seriously! Why spend four years being tortured academically and missing out on all the fun stuff?

Next time you’re stressing out about choosing a major, ask yourself, “Am I happy?” If the answer is “yes” then you’re in the right place. If it’s a no, then you might be a science major. Kidding. But all jokes aside, if you doubt your major now, take a few more social science or business classes, then figure out what you really want to do. Don’t rush it and remember it’s okay to change your mind five times in one day!


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Kat L

Notre Dame

Katrina Linden is an American Studies and Latino Studies Double Major. When she's not drinking coffee or sleeping, she's running HCND with her co-CC, assissting the director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute for Latino Studies, or pretending to work at NDH. Message her at katrinalinden@hercampus.com if you're interested in writing for HCND.
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Katie Fusco

Notre Dame

A senior English and American Studies double major at the University of Notre Dame, Katie is passionate about media, education, and public history.