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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

It’s 6:00AM, and your alarm goes off.

After hitting the snooze button a few times, you finally process that the weekend is over. 

You consider cancelling your Monday and going back to bed, but then you remember the big exam/paper scheduled later that day. 

Sleepily you prepare yourself for a long, grueling schedule. 

Coffee is a must to endure Monday. 

Walking across campus, you realize you left something in your dorm room. 

The first class alone is such a struggle. 

Your professors give you endless amount of homework. 

The line for waffles at the dining hall is way too long. 

By the end of the day, you’re mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted, wondering how you will survive the rest of the week. 

But then you realize…. 

Monday is finally over! 


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Katie Surine

Notre Dame

Katie is a senior (where did the time go???!!!) living in Lewis Hall. From Baltimore, MD, Katie is pursuing a double major in Vocal Music and Anthropology. Besides writing for HCND, she sings with Opera Notre Dame, choral groups, and she is a pianist for Lewis Hall weekly Mass and Lucenarium, or "Luce" for short. Other interests include baking, reading, traveling, composing, and all things Italian.