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Keenan Hacker: Ryan McGrail ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Hey Collegiettes! I’m here with sophomore, Keenan Knight, and ND Hackathon 2nd place winner Ryan McGrail. He’s a pretty cool dude.  

Fast Favorites

Book: Catch-22, because it pulls off every emotion perfectly, and it’s also hilarious.

Movie: Inception, because Malavika doesn’t like it, even though it’s awesome.

Song: America by Simon and Garfunkel. I’m really into older music, and I collect a lot of vinyl. This particular song has a sense of adventure and nostalgia, but it’s also bittersweet.  

Color: Maroon, it’s a warm cozy sort of color.

Snack food: Sour Cream and Onion Lays potato chips – or Walkers, if you’re British. They haven’t failed me yet, except when the Huddle Mart runs out.

Regular food: There’s a pizza place called Lil Rizzo’s at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. They’ve got the best crackery-crusted pizza ever. 

I’ll forgive you for picking Inception. Now, three fun facts, go!

1.  I’ve been to Disney World almost 25 times.

2.  Thanks to self-defense my freshman year, I can now judo-flip a guy three times my weight.

3.  I’ve been mistaken for both a junior in college and a seventh grader, in the same year.

Ryan has four adorable little siblings.  Pictured with him is his little brother, Ethan, at Disney World.

What’s your major and why did you choose it?

I’m a computer science major because I’ve been addicted to programming since the sixth grade. It appeals to me not only because I love video games, but I love the process behind creating entire worlds from scratch. It’s fun to play God.

What is your proudest accomplishment here at Notre Dame?

Getting a girlfriend? No, but seriously, making it through my Intro to Design Drawing class. I love design because it’s nice to put pen to paper and come up with spontaneous ideas. At the end of the project, the idea is rendered in realistic 3D graphics, and we can even make in real life the things we’ve drawn.

What advice do you have for prospies considering Notre Dame?

Make as many friends as you can, because they will be the ones helping you with homework in the middle of the night. Take as many awesome, off-the-wall classes as you can, because those are the ones that’ll make the time here worth spending. Also, ant traps. Trust me.

In product design, Ryan had to design packaging for a toy.  I’d buy this, wouldn’t you? 

You don’t want to hear the ant story, trust me. Now for a harder question. What are three things on your bucket list?

I’d love to create some sort of amazing technology that really influences how people interact with one another. Other than that, I’d really love to learn a new language.  Scratch that, EVERY language. Oh, and the piano. That too.  

Seriously? I could’ve taught you the piano months ago! Anyway, you’re going to Dublin next semester. What are you hoping to get out of the experience?

Hopefully, I’ll acquire a new accent and live up to my Irish name. Also, I’ve never left the US before, so I’d like to experience and learn about a country that isn’t in Epcot.

Kindergarten Ryan!  Yes, I had permission to steal this picture.

Hey, you certainly liked Indian food when it wasn’t served in a Disney World container. Now, something deep. Do you have any regrets? ND regrets or otherwise?

Sometimes I wish I was more social. I have one really great friend, a few good friends, and many acquaintances. It’s sometimes hard for me to get out there and mingle. Also, there have been a lot of times that I’ve put in way too much effort into a project, when it didn’t really require all that time and energy. I suppose it’s better than not doing enough, though.

I usually ask my female interviewees about their personal style.  Do you have any opinion about clothes at all?

Um, well, I like loose, comfortable clothes that let me relax and destress. Sweaters and stuff. As for other people, male or female, just cover your butts, okay? 

Ryan also has a pretty adorable girlfriend. And yes, our butts are covered.

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