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The Joys of Being Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Ahh…it’s that wonderful time of the year again – Valentine’s Day. The day when couples profess their undying love for one another while swooning over each other’s greatest qualities and perfect physique.

Or the day that singles all around the world hate to love and love to hate. 

But guess what, my fellow single ladies? Even we can be happy on Valentine’s Day! Here are three important reasons why it is awesome to be single on Valentine’s Day.

1. No gifts

This is seriously the best reason to be single on Valentine’s Day. I don’t know about everyone else, but around Christmas time I completely stress out about buying gifts for loved ones, not to mention my bank account takes a major blow as a result. Not having to worry about buying something for your significant other on Valentine’s Day takes away a major burden that makes me want to pull out my hair every Christmas (…sorry fam).

2. No expectations

No having to worry about what “bae” got you or what to wear out on your date. Also you don’t have to expect any large suprises and then only be deheartened when your boyfriend tells you that he couldn’t buy you a gift this year because he spent all your gift money on Natty (figures).


Go ahead, eat that entire cake.

Yeah, you heard me. 

Valentine’s Day is filled with boxes upon boxes of sugary sweets. Why not take this as an opportunity to indulge ourselves in our true love, chocolate? Chocolate doesn’t hurt you, leave you, make you cry, upset you, or manipulate you, AKA making it the perfect boy-toy for the evening!

I even like to extend it past sweets though. In case you weren’t aware, Papa John’s sells heart-shaped pizza on Valentine’s Day to us domer dames that just want a little extra lovin’ in our lives. Go ahead and treat yourself to a nice cheesy pizza, warming your heart, mind, oh and stomach.

Be single. Be shameless. Be sexy. Keep being #SingleAF

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!


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Images: 123, 4 provided by author