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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I know so many people who have serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and have read so many articles about it, but I just don’t have it. All of the articles I’ve read and people I’ve talked to discuss how “real” their FOMO is and how detrimental it can be to their overall well-being, or that their FOMO will propel them to go out and do stuff even when they should stay home and rest or prioritize other things. While I completely understand the drawbacks and can imagine the struggles of FOMO, I don’t have it, and not having it can be just as detrimental. 

Because I don’t have FOMO, I have no motivation to go out and be adventurous. If my friends are all in about an idea or a night out, I have no problem staying home and doing my own thing; but I’ve become the ultimate homebody. I have nothing pushing me to say “yes!” to things; and while I love a good night in, a whole month of them probably isn’t the best idea either. Staying home often also means that I don’t see some of my friends from the outer circles of my life as much as I want to, especially the friends that do have FOMO and are constantly out and about doing things. 

Woman standing
Nina Ulhikova

I also start to feel very lame after a week or two of just veggin’ on the couch; and after a while, I stop getting invited to things because people assume I don’t want to go. It’s also incredibly hard to explain to people who have FOMO that I don’t have it. Their lives are so centered around their FOMO that they can’t comprehend what it’s like to not have it. I’m the type of person who needs a little push to get out and do things. I’m an object at rest that will continue to be at rest until something knocks me into motion, and I think FOMO could do that for me. FOMO would push me out of my comfort zone, into the world of fun and people. FOMO could actually be helpful to me, which I know is a hot take. 

woman eating popcorn
Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

So for all of you lamenting your FOMO, I promise that not having it is just as problematic and frustrating and I wish I had a little more of it.   

Claire Stanecki

Notre Dame '20

A senior at Notre Dame studying Anthropology and Spanish, Claire is an avid reader, choral music enthusiast, adventure seeker, tea aficionado, and Chicago native.