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How to Take Advantage of Your Fall Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

This weekend marks the beginning of fall break, a great mid-semester vacation from classes so we can recover from the first half of the semester and prepare ourselves for the second half. Whether you are going home, going somewhere else, or staying at school, there are plenty of ways to take full advantage of your fall break.

Going Home

Going home? Now is your time to relax and recharge. If you can, give yourself a break. Take some time to yourself and have a treat-yourself kind of week. Eat good food, spend time with your family, and most importantly, take some time for yourself. Catch up on some TV shows or start reading that book you’ve been meaning to start. There are minimal responsibilities with this kind of fall break, so be sure to treat yourself.

Going Somewhere Else

Taking trips over breaks are always fun. Whether you’re doing a service trip or just going on a mini vacation with friends, going somewhere over a break is never a bad idea. If you are taking a trip this fall break, I challenge you to push yourself. Bring yourself out of your comfort zone — embrace new opportunities. If you are in a brand new place or even somewhere you’ve been before, there is always something new to discover. Make new friends or make your current friendships stronger, discover something new, and don’t be afraid to try something new.

Staying on Campus

Staying in South Bend over fall break can be a great time to explore the area around you. A lot of the time, we are very limited to campus. We do not take (or have) the time to get to know the great city around us. So, now that you are on campus with no classes, now is the time to do so. Go find some South Bend landmarks and try out some new restaurants you haven’t gotten the chance to try. It is very rare to have a lot of time on your hands while on campus. Get to know the city that we rarely get to enjoy.

So, no matter what your plans are this fall break, there are plenty of ways for you to spend your time in the best way possible. Take advantage of this break from classes to get you ready to take on the second half of your semester in your best mindset, ready to go. And, even if you aren’t ready for school after fall break, remember that Thanksgiving break is only a few weeks later. The second half of the semester always seems to go by a lot quicker than the first, so we only have good things to look forward to experiencing.

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