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How to (not) Write a Paper

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The Pre-Writing Process (2 weeks out)

  1. Receive assignment

  2. Ignore assignment

  3. Lose sheet in backpack for a week

  4. Be reminded of the paper assignment

  5. Choose a topic

  6. Forget that you chose a topic

  7. Remember that you chose a topic

The Writing Process (the day before)

  1. Create a writing playlist

  2. Write a thesis statement

  3. Go grab a snack as a reward

  4. Run into a friend in the kitchen

  5. Talk about Thanksgiving plans with said friend

  6. Remember you have a paper to write

  7. Make coffee because it’s 10 PM

  8. Write a page and a half

  9. Check Twitter

  10. Get angry at the world

  11. Calm down

  12. Write two more pages

  13. Realize it is 1 AM

  14. Go take a walk to stave off sleepiness

  15. Write all but the last page

  16. Decide that can be done if you wake up at 6 AM

  17. Sleep

  18. Wake up at 7:30 AM and furiously write the last page

The Revising Process (an hour before class)

  1. Delete all random notes to self in all caps

  2. Give the paper a real title, not PAPER DUE TOMORROW

  3. Skim it for coherency

  4. Make sure you wrote  some citations

  5. Change how you broke up a paragraph to make it look aesthetically better

  6. Print

  7. Realize you spelled the title wrong

  8. Re-Print

  9. Staple




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Julia Erdlen

Notre Dame

I'm a junior living in Ryan Hall. Majoring in English and minoring in Science, Technology, and Values, and Computing and Digital Technologies. I'm from just outside of Philadelphia, and people tend to call out my accent. In the free time I barely have, I'm consuming as much superhero media and as many YA novels as pssible.