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Have a Healthy and Happy Holiday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

We wait all year for the holidays to come around. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. And with all the best holidays comes the best food. But… with the best food comes some unwanted, unhealthy behavior. There is this myth going around that calories don’t count during the holidays, but warning: this is not true and anyone who tries to tell you this is lying to you. Don’t end the year on a bad note! Here are some tips to stay healthy and happy during this holiday break.

1. Exercise

The holidays are always crazy busy, whether it be doing that last minute shopping or spending some quality time with your relatives. There is barely time to breathe let alone work out. However, every little thing matters; even just exercising for 30 minutes a day during the holidays can help to keep you healthy. Shopping unfortunately does not count, although I like to see it as an Olympic sport. Make sure you make the time you are spending working out count by going for a run or hitting up a poppin’ Zumba class.

2. Only Take One

This one I find really difficult. I wait all year for my mom’s Christmas cookies, and to be told I should only be eating one is a little cruel, but really all things are fine in moderation. This step also requires some planning. There are always a lot of good things to eat, but somethings are better than others. Know what your options are ahead of time so you don’t eat a cookies now and realize that there was a better option later. I say don’t waste your time on the chocolate chip, this is Christmas for goodness sake! I say have that gingerbread man with the dapper gumdrop buttons and call it a day.

3. Hydrate

The holidays aren’t a sporting event, but they might as well be one. You talk a lot, you are always doing something – competing with your siblings to prove to your grandparents YOU are more successful, so it is just as important to stay hydrated. Not with the sugary stuff or the drinks that carry a lot of calories like egg nog, but with water. Water is seriously this magical thing. I hear that drinking eight glasses of water a day is what the cool kids do, so you should definitely consider it.

4. Not everyday is a holiday

From the moment we walk in the door and hand our parents your laundry, we all gain the mentality that everyday from now until January 13th is a holiday. However, unfortunately this idea is not a good one to have. Christmas is one day, not 12 days, so save the heavy foods for the actual day. Try to maintain a healthy and normal diet for the rest of the days you are at home, as to not throw off the hard and healthy work you’ve done all year.

5. Be Merry

The holidays are not just about the food, they are also about the people. Give yourself a nice pat on the back because you made it through finals and take the time to relax and be around the people that make you happy. Focus on the good things rather than the bad. Procrastination is never good, but give yourself at least a little break to not stress about school or work you have to get done. The holidays are all about being with family and being together. So be in the moment and have some holiday cheer!


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Hannah Dunn

Notre Dame

Hannah Dunn is a sophomore Marketing and Film, Television and Theater major at ND. Born and raised in Westchester, NY, Hannah loves to lax it up with the Women's Club Lacrosse Team, but is never opposed to a Netflix and chill. If you need a good Ben and Jerry's ice cream recommendation be sure to ask her.