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The Great Dining Hall Debate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Here at Notre Dame, we’ve come to quite a few collective consensuses. We can all agree that the dome doesn’t possess a bad angle. Stepping on God Quad is a majorly superstitious no-no. Michigan will forever be 37 points our junior.

But there’s one time-worn issue so monumental, so controversial that it pits quad against quad, friend against friend, even brother against brother. It’s caused more than one high-decibel argument, and likely produced tension in even the strongest of inter-quad Notre Dating relationships.

It’s the decision that dictates your every meal swipe and turns each dining experience into an unspoken turf battle. It’s as easy as “North or south?” but as imperative as life or death.

It’s the Great Dining Hall Debate.

South Supporters

This is for every wide-eyed kiddo wandering into those grand doors for the first time, his dad’s weathered Notre Dame cap skewed slightly to one side on his miniature noggin. Located snugly on South Quad, South Dining Hall is more than just a pretty face; it boasts a wide selection of dining options that my 13-year-old brother enthusiastically describes as “awesome” with two exclamation points.

A carefully curated feast makes way to row upon row of long uniform wooden tables, stretching halfway across the room and buzzing with the sound of dozens of simultaneous conversations. Behold, the closest thing to Hogwarts we mere muggles may ever hope to experience. The oak paneled walls and high ceilings, perfect if we were to ever start an impromptu food fight / indoor Quidditch match, echo tradition and scream “total Notre Dame move.”  

Pros: aesthetic, “classic” ND experience, more food options, bumpin’ tunes

Cons: overwhelming, everyone and their mother is eating there

Crowd favorite: pre-sliced apples

North Nation

For those of us looking for a quieter, cozier atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of other dining establishments, North Dining Hall beckons invitingly from its unassuming perch on North Quad. The crowds are neatly filed into one of three respective (and also magical) food rooms, and all your friends have marked their table territory without fear of misinterpreting some ambiguous “right, right” or “left, right” combo of directions.

Want to stalk the dining hall dates of fellow Northerners? Stake out a top level lookout spot. Prefer to binge on Netflix while still getting to binge on pasta stir fry? Disappear into the warm, TV-adorned depths of the bottom level seating, sans judgment. And for aspiring chefs or just picky eaters, there is ample opportunity to “make-your-own” creations, decorating your delectable pizzas, pasta bowls, or sandwiches however you so desire on any given day.

Pros: more relaxed, easy to navigate, DIY dining options, killer brunch

Cons: not Harry Potter

Crowd favorite: omelette bar


Why are people pledging such allegiance to their respective Dining Halls (for which they stand…one nation, under the Dome…with burgers and fro-yo for all)? Simply put, it’s where students spend the majority of their non-studying, non-napping hours. It’s a place for congregation, companionship, and the fervent avoidance of responsibility, where we all waste time in the tastiest way possible. In the wise words of a friend, “If you live super close to one [DH] and have to go there all the time anyway, you might as well learn to love it and be proud of it.”

As both sides find themselves locked in a bitter stalemate, it’s unlikely that proponents of either DH will be letting the white flags fly anytime soon. For now, we’ll just agree to disagree… but, deep in our hearts and stomachs, know that “our” dining hall is truly best. 


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Katie Eilert

Notre Dame

Katie Eilert is a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame, where she is studying Marketing with minors in Poverty Studies and indecisiveness. She hails from Kansas City (the Kansas side, hold the Wizard of Oz references) but currently resides with the Chaos of Cavanaugh Hall, and she never stops talking about either one. She is an avid college basketball fan to make up for her own lack of hand-eye coordination and spends the rest of her time thinking of terrible puns, running, reading, and drinking too much coffee. Go Irish!