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God, Country, Notre Dame: Congressional Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Notre Dame students are smart—no doubt about that—but there’s a difference between being intelligent and being informed. You may excel in the classroom, but education needs worldly context beyond your ND bubble. This weekly column exists to keep you up to date with the latest happenings around the nation in 500 words or less. We do the research, you do the reading. HCNDXO

This week, HCND will cover news of the hottest bills circulating through the Congress.

Planned Parenthood

In mid-July, several secret videos were leaked by an anti-abortion group revealing that Planned Parenthood was profiting off the sales of fetal tissue and body parts of aborted fetuses (a crime that is a federal felony). Many have been enraged by this news release.

Planned Parenthood denies the allegations, saying the information in the videos is taken out of context. Planned Parenthood is partially a federally funded organization. It does not receive funding for abortions, but it does receive funding for other important clinical services such as cancer screenings and birth control.

In response to this shocking new story, Republicans in the Senate proposed to defund Planned Parenthood. The proposed bill was put to vote and blocked in the Senate, but this is likely not the end of that story. Senators will definitely be revisiting the funding issue when it comes time to approve the new federal budget this fall.

Iran Deal

The Iran Deal, between the US, Iran and several other countries, is now in the hands of Congress, who has 60 days to approve or reject it.

The deal is to place several restrictions on Iran limiting its ability to develop nuclear weapons and increasing surveillance of its nuclear programs. In return, participating countries are to lift some of their economic sanctions on Iran.

Critics of the deal believe that by lifting economic sanctions, Iran will have the financial means to pursue nuclear proliferation. Jewish and Israeli Americans are bringing fierce opposition to the deal. Obama, however, disagrees with this contention. The bill is of great importance to Obama, who is prepared to veto the Senate’s decision if necessary.

The Republican-dominated House confirmed that they have enough support to fail the bill. It remains, however, uncertain whether or not they have enough power to override a presidential veto. This override, if it comes to it, would require 290 of 435 votes in Congress. The current House has 246 Republicans and 188 Democrats, so we will soon see how that ratio plays out in the vote.

Raise the Wage

New York City recently passed a city bill to raise the minimum-wage of fast food workers from $8.75 and hour to $15 an hour. Minimum-wage workers throughout the country have been inspired by what New York has set in motion.

The “Fight for 15,” a protest to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour has been gaining popularity throughout the country. Members on the far left of the house and senate will soon be sponsoring bills in Congress which call to drastically raise the federal minimum wage, from the current $7.25 an hour to $15.

The bill will be an ambition proposal, especially taking into account the fact that Obama’s proposed increase to $10.10 has still not passed. More than anything, this new bill will be something for liberals to rally around and to feel out the intentions of Democratic presidential primary candidates.

Mental Health Reform

In very rare form, a bill is now circulating along bipartisan lines that deals with mental health reform. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Bill Cassidy (Rep.) and Sen. Chris Murphy (Dem.), addresses mental health standards in the United States in response to increased mass violence.

The Cassidy-Murphy bill aims to improve mental health programs in Medicare and Medicaid, create early intervention programs for those struggling with mental illness and adjust health care systems to better marry physical and mental health programs.Other bi-partisan mental health reform bills are also beginning to surface on the senate floor, making similar but slightly different demands, such as suicide prevention and childhood trauma recovery.

This bill is considered a first step in decreasing mass violence. Gun control reform has also been proposed to better resolve the tragic mass violence occurring in the US, but these reforms have not received popularity across party lines, particularly from conservatives.


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Kelly is a student at the University of Notre Dame studying marketing and journalism, originally hailing from the great city of Holland, Michigan. Kelly's academic and political interests focus in one gender inequality and wage inequality. Her future career interests, whether writing or marketing, are focused in the fashion and beauty industries. Kelly has worked with companies such as philosophy, which promote using the beauty industry as a means of empowerment, which she believes to be a very important lesson. For fun, Kelly finds her peace on the yoga mat and running the beach or the woods. She loves the outdoors and traveling, having already been to 8 countries. Along with writing, she lovs to sing, a performer on stage and most definitely in the shower. Kelly also is actively involved in event planning, another passion of hers. And above all she loves ice cream, pizza, her friends, and her two dogs.