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Getting Down To Business This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

During the course of our lives, summer has come to mean many things. From kindergarten to senior year of high school, it was a gift of pure freedom greatly anticipated by all.

Since college began though, summer has gone through a bit of a metamorphosis. Every year, we get closer and closer to the real world (gasp!). Many students choose to turn in their beach hats for suits and use summer as valuable time to prepare for the future.

While the lack of free time and non-existent tan that comes with a work-filled summer is a little daunting, so many girls around campus fall in love with their summer work and find that it greatly prepares and excites them for adult life. Whether research, summer studies, or an internship, don’t be afraid to seek out work this summer. Check out the amazing things that these three Notre Dame students are up to this summer!

Emily Campbell – Child Care and Protection Rwanda

This summer, Emily Campbell, Badin Hall rising junior, is doing research and service in Rwanda with Child Care and Protection Rwanda (talk about far from home!). Despite the culture shock and English-to-Kinyarwanda language barrier, Campbell is loving her time in Rwanda, from her research to an amazing Rwandan wedding she attended.

“It’s a totally different world that’s much simpler and happier. Everyone loves their neighbors and goes out of his or her way to make sure that their friends and family are safe, healthy and fed,” Campbell explained.

Emily Campbell is doing incredible things with Child Care and Protection Rwanda. Through her program partnered with the Kellogg Institute and the Experience the World Fellowship, Campbell teaches school children English and reading during the day while also pursuing independent research.

“I’m doing research on the issue of gender parity in education as a tool for development and how the increased education of girls is being received by the cultural norms of a strong patriarchy,” Campbell said. “I am looking to understand the role that mothers, young girls and NGOs think that educated women should play in the development and the future of Rwanda, and how a stronger female involvement should and will change the shape of the culture”

Campbell hopes that her research in the future may inspire Rwandans and NGOS to help young girls realize their dreams through special incentives that get them more involved in the community.

For any girls who are considering doing independent research at some point in their academic career, Campbell says “GO FOR IT!”

So many institutions on campus, such as the Kellogg and Nanovic Institutes and CUSE, provide grant money to students interested in research. Students can use this grant money to turn their ambition and vision into action, just like Emily.

Maura Monahan – Summer Study Abroad Program in Dublin

An alternative to research, Maura Monahan, PE Pyro and rising junior, is studying abroad this summer in Dublin. Like many of the Notre Dame 6-week summer study abroad classes, students in the Dublin program are able to take two 3-credit classes. Monahan is taking a required history of Ireland class as well as an Irish literature course.

Monahan raves about her time studying in Dublin thus far, saying, “being able to study the history and literature of a place where it happened has been a really enriching experience so far! In general, it’s been very cool to take two classes that are so complementary with each other and with the rest of this experience. For me, this helps the class content to create deeper, richer, more nuanced understanding in me.”

From a non-academic perspective, Monahan stressed the value of study abroad to students as an aspect of growth. She explained what an amazing group of fellow ND students she has been able to meet through the program, as well as what an opportunity for self-growth travel offers.

“At the risk of sounding cliche, there’s really nothing like travel to educate a person about the world, herself and living abroad,” Monahan added.

Maura urged that people wanting study abroad consider what they want out of their experience and pick a program accordingly. Also, she adds that people should look out for applications early in the Fall semester, seeing as how some programs have rolling acceptance.

“Now for a shameless plug for the Dublin program,” Monahan said. “The culture here is wonderful, the potatoes are plentiful, the atmosphere is welcoming and safe, and the communities formed here are generally excellent.”

Amanda Conklin – Accion International Internship

Amanda Conklin, Ryan Hall junior, as many Notre Dame students, headed to the office this summer with a summer internship. A Long Island native, Conklin traveled a little further south to work in Washington, D.C. this summer with a non-profit called Accion International.

“Accion is a global organization with the vision of a financially inclusive world with access to economic opportunity for all. Within Accion, I am working for their “Venture Lab.” The Venture Lab is essentially a fund that invests in financial inclusion start-ups. Through seed investments and resources, they hope to improve financial access for those living in poverty worldwide,” Conklin explained.

Conklin loves her work with Accion thus far. Having previously worked in microfinance initiatives, she likes seeing the industry from the impact investing side of things. She is using the summer to really explore an industry she is passionate about and has thrived in.

Conklin speaks highly of D.C. as well and the intern environment. “Even though I’ve only been here for a week, I’ve already had the chance to explore the monuments, go to a Nationals game and eat (admittedly a little too much) delicious food from across the world.”

Internships are a great way to learn, earn a little money and build up your resume. Amanda recommends that students not be afraid to reach out to alumni in the internship process as they can provide immeasurable help and connections during the job hunt process.


Whether through research, studies, or internships, summer offers so many wonderful opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. It is never too late to try and get involved in meaningful work that could possibly shape your future. Consider some of the amazing opportunities at your fingertips as you leap into the rest of the summer, the beach can wait for the weekends!


The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rrogalsk@nd.edu or Katrina Linden at klinden1@nd.edu

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Kelly is a student at the University of Notre Dame studying marketing and journalism, originally hailing from the great city of Holland, Michigan. Kelly's academic and political interests focus in one gender inequality and wage inequality. Her future career interests, whether writing or marketing, are focused in the fashion and beauty industries. Kelly has worked with companies such as philosophy, which promote using the beauty industry as a means of empowerment, which she believes to be a very important lesson. For fun, Kelly finds her peace on the yoga mat and running the beach or the woods. She loves the outdoors and traveling, having already been to 8 countries. Along with writing, she lovs to sing, a performer on stage and most definitely in the shower. Kelly also is actively involved in event planning, another passion of hers. And above all she loves ice cream, pizza, her friends, and her two dogs.