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8 Signs You’re Suffering through South Bend Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

1. Snapchat is basically your weather channel since at least 75 percent of the stories are showing you the temperature.

Bonus points for converting it to Celsius so people can really understand the tragedy of it all.

2. When someone asks, “How are you?”, you respond with “Cold.”

3. You bond with fellow students about how class still isn’t cancelled.

4. You have to unpeel all your layers every time you go into any building which is only made worse when you have to put everything back on.  

5. You will still see people wearing boat shoes and shorts. Really though…WHY?!


6. Wind chill will be the death of you.

7. You begin to wonder what the sun looks like.

8. And last but not least the 8th sign that it is winter at Notre Dame is there are no signs… All the signs are covered with snow.  

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Political Science and Philosophy Major. Freshman at the University of Notre Dame.