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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.
Do a Face Mask

Stress may not directly cause acne, but it can worsen your acne. Get ahead of any skin problems by breaking out a face mask and relaxing for a few minutes. There are all types of face masks these days and they can help with different skin levels from dry to oily. Do some research and make sure the face mask is the best for your skin type so you can stay refreshed through all of your finals.

Paint, Color, or Draw

As time has gone on, I have stopped being as creative as I was as a child. Maybe that is because I have less time to have fun because of school work, but I miss coloring and painting like I did when I was younger. It is important to balance your productivity with some creativity. Take an hour long break from studying and color a picture or draw something. It doesn’t have to be amazing,but it gives you a way to create something fun. Find that balance to have less of a burn-out as the semester ends.

Have a Snack

I am the queen of not eating when I am stressed. I get bogged down with other work and put meals at the bottom of my priority list. The issue with this is that your body will not run if you have not eaten anything with sustenance; food is fuel. I have realized that it is hard to eat a full meal when I am super stressed, so I make sure that I have access to snacks that will fuel my body and give me the nutrients needed to do well with finals. I keep fruit and nuts in my room so that I have quick access to a snack. It may be something small, but something is better than nothing. Go to grab-and-go and get a few things to keep in your room to take the stress of getting food off of your plate during finals week. But remember: a full meal is better than a snack, but some fruits and nuts are a good way to get the nutrients you need to succeed when you are stressed out. 

Eat Lunch with a Friend

If you cannot tell, I think that food is such an important part of being fully prepared for finals week. Ask a friend to go grab a meal at the dining hall, or if you are lucky enough to have extra flex points then buy them a meal. It is good to be reminded of the support network you have on campus and all of the people who care about your well-being. This is even more important since we are leaving after finals week for a 10-week winter break at home. I missed my friends so much over quarantine and I want to have a few more times to hang out with them before we go back home. Getting a meal allows us to meet but also helps to make sure that we are all nourishing our bodies.

Call your Family

The reason that this semester is so much harder than usual is because we have no break. This also means that we have not been home in months. I miss seeing my friends, family and my dog. I am also missing home cooked meals and eating dinner with my family. I know that there is no replacement for seeing your family in person, but calling your parents or siblings could be the dopamine boost that you have been needing. Once again, I know that it is easy to get stressed out during finals week, but scheduling a quick 15 minute call with your family is something super simple to add. You have the Notre Dame family here to support you, but I know it is also nice to feel the love from home that can come with a call or a facetime!

Indonesia Brown

Notre Dame '22

I am a political science and psychology major with a minor in journalism. I am originally from South Bend and am the 4th generation to live in my current house. I love all animals and I have a dog at home named Enzo.