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5 Ways to Never Leave Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

It’s been one of those weeks. Whether you’ve suffered through an orgo exam, millions of papers, or simply are tired of the winter weather, you deserve some time this week to yourself. Even though school is almost over, sometimes you need a pick-me-up day. And while most people consider spending an entire day in their dorm as boring or counter-productive, some of us love it for the same reason. Thankfully, the dorms here have plenty of resources so that you can, in fact, never leave if you don’t want to. 

Last Sunday I decided to test this theory: can I stay in my dorm an entire day and not want for anything? Here at the University of Notre Dame, I have used precious time and resources in order to show you how you can live your dream. These are the type of days that a college student could only ever wish for, so break out your slippers and sheep pajama pants (just me?) – here’s how to have the most glorious day of your life: 

Believe in yourself

They’re going to tell you that you can’t do it, that you’re not strong enough. But I’m here to tell you that you are. You don’t need the things of the world – the things outside. There is nothing for you beyond the front doors of your dorm, not today. It’s better this way, after all, there’s no pressure to do your hair or wear normal people clothes. This day is about you and your groutfit. 

Get everything you need together first

If you’re planning on having a homework lock-in, stockpile your books and binders in the study room. If not, make sure your computer is fully charged and warmed up for a Netflix binge. Put your mini Keurig to good use and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. Or have your friend make you some, whatever takes less effort honestly. Minimalism is key, except when it comes to blankets and pillows. Hell, make a fort out of your bed sheets. Utilize all resources needed, after all, your dorm is your oyster. 

Happiness is only a few steps (or an elevator ride) away

Hey you. Yeah, you. Bet you didn’t know you had a plethora of junk food available to you on the main floor or basement of your dorm? Ok, maybe you did, but we so often forget about these magical candy and chip dispensers. And they take flex points! 

But if that’s not enough…

Ok, so you’re one of those people that want a substantial meal every once in a while – I get that. This week I discovered DineIn – a delivery service that will bring food from local restaurants right to your dorm! The delivery fee isn’t bad, and there are tons of different places you can order from. Einsteins on campus will do the same, which is a life-saver for Mod Quad residents on the weekends that just need a bagel. However, I tend to crave TGI Friday’s mozarella sticks, so I put in a DineIn order with a few of my friends and we had a feast in our floor lounge. The ironic part is that the windows of the lounge look onto NDH. Oh well.



Don’t regret a thing 

So you made it through an entire day without changing clothes, and you’re about to go to bed in the pajamas that you slept in the night before – this is a good thing! If your mom asks you what you did today on the phone, tell her “nothing”, and don’t let her shame you for it. In all seriousness, this is something you needed and deserved. At a school where everyone is telling you hurry up and go all the time, it’s important to let your body and mind relax. Thankfully, when you live at college, rest and relaxation are at your fingertips. 

This is me on my “dorm lock-in day” looking cute

Images: Provided by author

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