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10 Ways to Know you Have the Best Roommate Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

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As the year comes to a close it’s a good time to reflect on one of the people you see the most of every day–your roommate! Roommate horror stories abound on campus, but there are some of us who are truly lucky to be living with one of their best friends. Here are ten signs your roomie will never let you down!

1. She is sometimes weirdly “in the mood” to clean the room and take out the trash.

2. She tries to be really quiet when she walks in after you’re already asleep. Even when she trips over your ladder and makes a lot of noise falling over. She still tries to be quiet afterwards.

3. She lets you eat her Skinny Pop and doesn’t get too mad when you accidentally eat 2/3 of the bag.

4. She lets you borrow her clothes on a semi-regular basis.

5. She listens to your rants about every area of your life. Including many details she probably did not want to know. Consequently, she will hate all the people you hate in order to support you.

6. She snapchats you pictures of the room when she gets back from break before you. Because you know the room misses you.

7. She is the only one who is beginning to understand your taste in music.

8. Your coordinated napping & Netflix sessions are the highlight of your Friday afternoon. Roomies who nap together stay together.

9. She takes part in all your dumb shenanigans. 

10. When you’re alone in the room for too long without her it just feels wrong.

As the year wraps up, take a little time to appreciate the one who’s been with you through the thick and thin. 

Thanks for being the best roomie a girl could ask for! 

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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Hey guys! My name is Hannah Beighle and I'm a sophomore originally from Seattle, WA but am loving my new home in Breen-Phillips Hall at Notre Dame. You can find me spending all of my flex points (and my friends' flex points) at Starbucks or getting sunburned outside. I love baking, playing sports, binge-watching reality TV, and spending time with friends!