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Pinspired: 20 Pinterest Boards Every Northwestern Woman Should Know About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Pinterest–Silicon Valley’s newest superstar–recently came into its own, largely due to its immense popularity with the 18-30  female population; i.e., us. Why has the site grown so explosively since its launch in September 2011? Personally, it appeals to the secret place in my heart that loves all things glittery and artistic, which doesn’t often get a chance to voice itself in the daily life of a pre-med student.

At its core, this is Pinterest’s most compelling feature: it gives women the ability to refine and express their interests, with a little help from an ever-growing pool of collective wisdom. Pinterest has a simple, user-friendly and image oriented design that allows for a seemingly never-ending stream of other people’s great ideas and pretty pictures, just begging to be incorporated into your repertoire. And what a repertoire that is! There are boards and categories to appeal to just about everything with which a person could identify. Pinterest’s appeal transcends age, politics, gender and personal preference. Somewhere out there is bound to be another “Pinner” who shares your fascination with turquoise guitars.

We here at Her Campus Northwestern have sifted through the chaos and chosen a collection of boards that we feel represent our readership–we’re talking to you, Wildcat women!–and gathered them here to pinspire you.

Purple Pride!

Purple Passion
Pinner: Jan Gruber
Pinner: Vicky S.


Good Eats

SmallKitchenCollege has dedicated their impressive collection of pins to delicious food students can appreciate.
Star board: All About Ramen

University of Pittsburgh bloggers have started an account dedicated entirely to Cooking in College–yum!
Pinners: Declan and Erica

College Life

User Dormify has 41 boards dedicated largely to things you can do to make the small space we share with a roommate for eight months out of the year more habitable. They also have ideas for gifts and advice for finals.
Star board: Think Pink!

These next few pretty much encompass everything we, as college women, think about on a daily basis.

Pinner: Studentrate Trends
Pinner: College Fashion
Pinner: Studentadvisor.com, a subsidiary of The Washington Post

If you’re in a sorority, you’ll find a plethora of ideas from TrulySisters for recruitment, sisterhood, and merch (as if we didn’t have enough already!).
Star board: Corgis

Right in time for the start of midterm season, we present boards of words to live by, small thoughts to keep us thinking positively.
Pinner: Stephanie Schuette

Fashion & Beauty

The Beauty Department, a blog run by Hollywood stylists Amy Nadine and Lauren Conrad, uses Pinterest to give women advice on hair, makeup and nails. Check them out for “your daily dose of pretty!”
Pinners: Amy Nadine and Lauren Conrad

Just in case you weren’t already smiling, these boards of beautiful people will certainly cheer you up.

Pinner:Gracie Gilbert
Pinner: Anne Driscoll (Hint: This isn’t even her best board!)

Who are we kidding, the main reason we’re all on Pinterest is for the clothes. Here’s a list of my favorite fashionistas:

Pinner: Style with Class blog
Pinner: Fashion designer, Peter Som
Pinner: Lauren Santo Domingo, a contributing editor at Vogue
Pinner: OscarPRGirl, who reports from inside the house of Oscar de la Renta
Pinner: Glitter Guide, one of my original favorites

Of course, your Pinterest won’t be perfect unless you follow us at Her Campus Northwestern as well, so check us out:
Star board: Beautiful

Follow me to see my favorites from these wonderful pages!

Cover photo from: Business Insider

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Erin Anderson
