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How to Protect Your Stuff When Going Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

I’m glad go to a school where I generally feel comfortable asking the stranger next to me in the library to watch over my stuff for a minute while I go to the bathroom. I’ve never felt unsafe or felt like I had to constantly protect my belongings. However, in light of jackets and personal belongings being stolen from parties around and on campus, it is definitely worthwhile to minimize the risk of having your things taken! You’ll quickly see that having a cheap but reliable cross-body bag with you or just pockets on your clothes will be helpful when going out. However,  here are some other ways to keep all your stuff in check when neither of those is an option! (hint: your bra will be your best friend!)

1.     Keep your cellphone with you at all times! I usually prioritize my cellphone over all belongings because of all the personal information it holds. If you aren’t going to have a cross-body bag on you at all times or if you don’t have any pockets, either hold your cellphone, put it in your waistband, bra or in your boots (if you’re wearing a pair).

2.     If your keys are on a keychain with other miscellaneous keys and you aren’t carrying a bag or have pockets, only take only your room key with you. Put the singular key in your bra or loop it through a hair tie and keep it on your wrist (be careful to not take out an eye when you’re dancing though!). Never leave your keys with your jacket because it’s so easy for someone to take it from your pocket or for it to simply slip out of your pocket. It’s not worth paying $250 for a spare key!

3.     If you still need a wildcard to get into your dorm and once again you don’t have a pocket or aren’t carrying a bag, your bra is a good option, as are your waistband and boots (if they’re deep enough).

4. If you happen to show up to a party last minute with your backpack and super valuable items in hand, find a person you know who lives at the house or the host of the party. Leaving your backpack or purse in a common room is never a safe idea so it doesn’t hurt asking someone who lives in the house if you could leave your belongings in their room. Though it doesn’t guarantee nothing will be stolen, it’s definatly safer than leaving it out in a public area!

5.     Find yourself a fracket (frat-jacket!). It takes a lot of gut to leave your $400+ winter coat in a pile of coats so finding a cheaper but warm-enough jacket to wear out and toss into a corner is very worth it. Bring out your old winter coat that you don’t mind getting trashed or even losing. I wear my outdated winter jacket from high school and am comfortable getting it dirty and leaving it unmanned in a room. However, I do suggest tying sleeves with your friends’ jackets if you go out as a group. This makes finding your jacket at the end of a night an easier task!

I hope these tips can prevent others from having their nights ruined by lost or stolen items. There’s nothing worse than having a great night end in a frantic search for a cell phone or key, so be sure to take precaution in order to take care of your belongings!

Image: http://thumbnails.thecrimson.com.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/2013/12/04/1926…