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Suchira Sharma and Paulina Ruiz: First Female Ticket for President and Vice President of NU SGA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Suchira Sharma and Paulina Ruiz are running for student body President and Vice President at Northeastern University. They are the first ever all female ticket. These two are very powerful women that are on their way to great success. Here is a little more information about who they are and why they want your vote.

Suchira: Third year (junior)

Majoring in finance and management

Current Vice President


Paulina: second year

Majoring in psychology

Current Vice President of Student Services




“History is made by ordinary people.”


“We do not need another buzz word to hide behind.”


Their goal is to be authentic and transparent about the policies at Northeastern. They want you to be a part of it. They want you to believe in a better future. They each have been surrounded by empowering women, and they believe they can be empowering women as President and Vice President for our student body.


They narrowed down their laundry list of goals to the 5 R’s! Here they are!


Reasonable Pricing

  • Affordability
    • next step is execution
  • affordable housing
    • The price to live on campus is too high and there are issues with community
    • They want to write a proposal to housing of more transparency with the housing pricing
    • They will demand transparency with the definitions that exist but don’t make sense



  • We have a student bill of rights that hasn’t been updated since 1992
    • There is no title 9 provisions
    • They want change in making sure that it is brought into the modern era


  • Starting with looking at our own student senate
    • They want to make sure it is as representative as our student body
    • There are 92 senators
      • diversity is necessary

Resources on campus

  • Expanding resources
    • Only two confidential resources for sexual assault
      • But they are even in confidential locations


  • They have made relationships with all the outlets on campus
    • If elected, we hit the ground running
      • They are expecting things out of these relationships
    • First time having a monthly meeting with NUPD happened this semester
      • They want to establish this relationship even more so students can bring more

Suchira and Paulina are so passionate about so many aspects of student life and student government on campus. They are all about action and empathy. These are two strong women doing important work for our university.


Voting for the Student Government elections start on March 16th and end on March 23rd on myneu!