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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. Back when I was young and naive, I too attempted to make my own New Year’s Resolutions, and my goals were basically just like everyone else’s—“work out more,” “eat healthier,” “spend more time studying,” etc. These goals were always forgotten by the second week of the new year. But three years ago, I decided that instead of making vague goals that I had no desire to pursue, I would set goals for an activity that I actually enjoy, and that activity is reading. It can be extremely difficult to read consistently when one is busy with school, homework, and other activities, but setting reading goals for myself always gets me excited to read more in the upcoming year. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to complete all of my reading goals in any year, but perhaps 2020 will be the year that I finally succeed. So here are my seven reading goals for 2020:

Read at Least One Classic by Choice

I’ve never been the biggest fan of classics, and I think my sentiment is shared by many. Analyzing classics to death in school certainly didn’t help my aversion to them. But I am a fan of period dramas, and I’ve seen a few Jane Austen adaptations, so it’s only right that I check out the original source material. I’m hoping that I’ll enjoy classics a lot more now without the pressure of having to analyze them.

At Least One Nonfiction Book by Choice

I read nonfiction even less than classics, which is quite a feat in itself. I think the main reason I avoid nonfiction books is that I’m afraid they will be too boring, but after reading and enjoying a psychology memoir last year, I know that isn’t the case. One memoir I hope to pick up this year is Becoming by Michelle Obama.

At Least Two Books From Genres I Don’t Typically Read

Expanding my reading tastes is a goal of mine every year. It’s very easy to read the same type of book over and over, simply because they are comforting in their familiarity. But like many things in life (i.e. food, music, clothing, makeup), it’s good to switch things up once in a while. Some of the genres I’m hoping to explore nowadays include suspense-thrillers, sci-fis, and graphic novels.

At Least 30 Books

This goal is pretty straightforward and one I make every year, although the number generally varies. In past years, I’ve tended to aim too high, and consequently felt let down when I couldn’t hit my target, so now I aim for a more realistic number. At the end of the day though, it’s always more about the quality of the books I read rather than the quantity, so I try not to put too much pressure on myself to read a certain amount.

At Least Two Books That Have Been on My “TBR List” Since 2015

For those who are unfamiliar with bookworm lingo, “tbr” stands for “to be read,” and my tbr never seems to stop growing. Currently, the list is around 250 books long, and that’s after I cleaned it up. And yes, there are books that have been on there for nearly five years, so I figured the best way to make a dent in them is to, well, actually read them.

Finish Reading All the Book Series’ I’m Currently in the Middle Of

I have commitment issues: for me, this applies to both books and TV shows. I have the tendency to start a series that I really enjoy and then just abandon it in the middle until I’ve forgotten everything that’s happened. (This is why I never watch TV shows, by the way.) But this year, I am going to cure this bad habit—for books at least. Currently, I have three book series that I’m in the middle of reading, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too difficult to, for lack of better words, just suck it up and finish them.

Finish Rereading Either the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson Series

This final goal was made for the nostalgia factor. I reread the first three books in the Harry Potter series about two years ago, and the first two books in the Percy Jackson series last year. Rereading these books not only brings back fond memories, but also makes me notice things that I didn’t notice the first time around. I’m hoping that my reread will help me gain an even greater appreciation for these books that have already impacted me so much.

Jovanne Li

Northeastern '23

Jovanne is a 4th year student studying business and communications at Northeastern University. In her free time, she likes to listen to music and read an unhealthy amount of fanfiction. She also loves boba, thrifting, and trying new restaurants in Boston.
Sreya is a third-year combined computer science and business major. Prior to being Campus Correspondent/Editor in Chief from 2020-2021, she was an editor for Northeastern's chapter. Besides being part of Her Campus, she's also in HackBeanpot and Scout. She spends most of her free time watching cringy reality shows, scrolling through Twitter, and going to concerts.