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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Finals week has arrived and the panic is upon us. Every semester, without fail, this week comes with anxiety, tears and a healthy dose of fear. Here are some universal truths we have all faced.

1. The library is even more crowded than it usually is. Typically, after you search for a good hour you can find a seat that is somewhat near an outlet, but during finals week forget about it. I swear some people live in there and must not even pay for housing.


2. The library smells weird. People, go home and shower, it is O.K to leave the library especially if it is to keep up good hygiene habits. Also, please stop eating Popeye’s. The scent is distracting, and it adds to the overall weird smell.



3. Procrastination is at an all-time high. Suddenly you’re thinking, “I have not checked my campus mailbox all semester, but I have to do it right now before I start studying.”



4. You go to the gym for the first time all semester. Suddenly working out seems like the lesser of two evils.



5. Suddenly everything is a distraction. “Ooohhh look at that piece of dust that’s floating by. Let me follow it and try to catch it.”



6. People get weird. I know that Snell and your living room look very similar, but please don’t take your shoes off and put your feet on the desk. Also, don’t use the couches as your personal bed. Other people need to sit there too.



7. All my finals are at 8am, so now I have the additional stress of worrying that I am going to sleep through the most important test of the semester.


8. You even start doing those TRACE evaluations because that’s another five minutes you don’t have time to waste.


9. Better check my email for the third time this minute because you never know when an important email is going to appear in your inbox. Oh look, my favorite store is having a sale, time to do some online shopping.


10. You start to plan all the things you are going to do when your finals are done. “I’m buying myself the biggest reward for putting up with everything this semester,” while in reality all you do is go home and sleep.                                            

11. Your GPA and bank account start falling faster than you catch them. With Christmas and all those last minute assignments, things start going downhill fast.


12. You can’t remember the last time you cooked. I have an apartment, but the last time I made something that didn’t came out of a bag or a box was way too long ago.