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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Ah, the T. The ever-reliable and sometimes smelly Boston transportation system. The characters you meet here are truly one-of-a-kind.

1. The over-worked mother with the screaming child.

This woman is the best of us, an absolute warrior. As her child screams non-stop and begs to get off the T, she merely looks off into the distance and probably pictures a life where she’s greeted by a professional masseuse every day at home.

2. That couple who has never heard of the concept “personal space.”

Why can’t they stop making out for longer than 30 seconds? Why do they need to stare into each other’s eyes the entire T ride? Why are they sitting right across from you? Why can’t you look away? If you have ever been one of these people, for the sake of human goodness, STOP.

3. The guy who’s been asleep the entire time you’ve been on the T.

Occasionally, he wakes up and glances around for a moment before falling back asleep. Where did he come from and where is he going? Is he going to sleep through his stop?

4. The group of girls all dressed in similar outfits and who talk nonstop the whole ride.

You know these girls are feeling themselves, and they show it by taking about 20 selfies while they’re on the train. And even though you know you shouldn’t, you definitely eavesdrop on their gossip-filled conversation. When they get off, you can’t help but wonder if Lauren will ever forgive her roommate for hooking up with the guy she called dibs on!

5. That one guy that won’t stop staring at you.

Whenever you glance up just for a millisecond to check if his creepy face is still locked on yours, you make the most uncomfortable eye contact in the world. This T persona is a 0/10, do not recommend.

6. The HOT guy. You know the one I’m talking about.

On any given T ride, there’s always an immaculately dressed man who, within the span of 12 minutes, you picture your entire life together and how nice it would be in your anthropologie-decorated home. Now you’re the creepy one staring.

7. The elderly person who just doesn’t understand how the T works.

How many times do they have to ask you what stop you’re at now? No, this still isn’t Copley. Nope, not yet. Remember the last time when I told you it was 3 stops away? Yeah, that hasn’t changed yet. Thanks for asking again.

Enjoy your future T rides and keep an eye out for those on the list!

Northeastern Sophomore / Business Admin Major