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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

Sweaty palms, endless love songs, and delusional thoughts of over dramatic scenarios replaying in your head, sound familiar? Well, these are all clear indications of a possible crush blossoming. When a crush begins, the struggle is all too real. Believe it or not, but there are stages to having a crush. So sit back, relax and get ready to relate!

Choosing Your Target: The first stage is identifying your potential crush. This means when you set your eyes on someone and realize that they have everything you’re looking for.  Perfect smile, beautiful eyes, perfect height, basically the whole package. Once you have done that, the overwhelming urge to know everything about them takes over.  You want to know their name, age, relationship status, etc. The necessity for information leads you to stage two.

Conducting some research: We will call this research, but let’s be honest, you suddenly turn into an FBI agent stalking every form of social media to get some information. In this stage, the goal is to find out everything about this person, and the perfect way to do it is through social media. Nowadays almost everyone has some sort of social media, making it easy to find information. It’s very surprising what you can find out about a person just by looking at their profiles. Once you’ve gathered your information, one of two things can happen, either you drop this crush or you move on to stage three.


Acceptance/ The announcement: In this stage, you finally accept that you have a crush and you finally decide to open up about it. However, most of the time your crush remains oblivious to the fact that you like them, but you can bet that all your friends know who this person is by now. This is the fun stage because you are completely infatuated and a little annoying if we’re being honest.  During the stage, you may be listening to an overwhelming amount of love songs that remind you of this person. You may also be replaying over the top scenarios in your head, that is most likely not gonna happen, but you subconsciously think they might. During conversations with your friends, this person name may not leave your mouth, but you can’t help it, the name just comes out like word vomit.

The Interaction: In this stage, you are interacting in some way with your crush, whether that be virtually or in person. In this stage anything is possible, either you end up liking your crush even more or you realize that their not exactly what you’re looking for. If your texting your crush, you spend so much time over thinking your reply and over analyzing every text that he or she sends or every emoji they use. Every time you hear your phone vibrate you get excited and giddy hoping that it’s them texting you. When you see them in person, the butterflies won’t stop fluttering inside your stomach. This eventually leads you to the final stage


    The Conclusion: Que the suspenseful music! This stage can either be the happiest or the saddest. Either your crush likes you back and you live happily ever after or it wasn’t meant to be and it’s time to move on to the next. This stage can be heart-wrenching if it doesn’t work out because up to this point you probably created an image of this person in your head and it’s hard to get over it. Sometimes when it’s not meant to be, and that’s the universe’s way of protecting you. But everything will be okay just pick yourself up and realize what a boss you and move on.