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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

Okay, I’m gonna be real here. If you haven’t looked at zodiac memes and compared you vs your friends, who ARE you? Over the past few months I’ve been dragged further into the abyss we call the zodiac signs. And honestly?? I don’t regret it one bit, so I’m here to share some power duos.

Aries and Gemini

A lot of people generalize Aries as “the angry one”, but honestly most Aries are just passionate. Gemini just happens to match that passion perfectly. So, when Aries and Gemini are together, they are two perfect pieces in a puzzle. They could be perfect partners in crime, with Aries being a more physical person, and Gemini being a 10/10 intellectual. They have great communication and radiate positive, versatile energy. 

Taurus and Cancer

How I see Taurus and Cancer is they’re both bABY. Both signs are very emotional and stubborn, meaning sometimes they get too caught up in feeling the feels. But, both these signs look after each other and stick around even when one is at their lowest. Taurus is grounding and reliable for Cancer, while Cancer is soothing and understanding of Taurus’ feelings. Honestly it feels like Taurus and Cancer are taking turns being the “mom friend” and the “baby”, and I can appreciate that so much.

Leo and Libra

Which duo gives off the most hype energy? Leo and Libra, obviously. The amount these signs hype each other up surpasses any and cheer squad or fan club. With these two, it’ll never get boring. Leo and Libra’s differences bring them together instead of tearing them apart. And when they’re together, they are social, outgoing, and breathtakingly dramatic (in a good way tho). 

Virgo and Capricorn

If the world is overtaken by a pair of friends someday, it’s gonna be a Virgo and Capricorn. I feel like secretly, both have urges for world domination. But seriously though, both are ambitious and bring the best out of each other. While Virgo helps Capricorn enjoy themselves, Capricorn helps Virgo stay motivated. Put simply, both help the other stay grounded and find a balance in life. 

Scorpio and Pisces

I think Scorpio and Picsces might not be the funniest duo, but they are most definitely the most loyal out of all the pairs in this list. Both Scorpio and Picses are loyal to a fault, however they also align with similar interests and values. In addition, both are very emotional people and normally can tell what the other is thinking most of the time. They know how to compromise for each other, and go with the flow when needed, making their mutual understanding arguable the strongest on this list. 

Aquarius and Sagittarius

Lowkey, Aquarius and Sagittarius aren’t just a dynamic duo, they’re a power duo. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius have almost the same interests, yet they are also supportive of the other’s independence, which makes for a strong friendship. They have big meme energy, and can almost always tell what the other wants. Neither are particularly emotional, (and tbh are pretty blunt) which allows for open communication and less grudges. So yeah, it’s a fun, no frills, less feels relationship. But somehow it works.

Jade Welder

New School '23

Jade is a student at The New School pursuing a degree in media studies and a minor in food studies. This isn't really a secret: she's a boba connoisseur by day and closet weeb by night. And yes, boba ice cream is really worth the hype.