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5 Tips to start off the new semester right, with help from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.


Welcome back! The start of the school year is like New Year’s Eve: it’s a fresh start. And also like NYE, the upcoming semester can prompt us to make resolutions for ourselves we can’t keep past the third week. Assignments keep building on, stress is rising, and organization is a nice concept in theory, but who has the time to color code every note you take?

You also might remember a little show on Nickelodeon called Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide, where Ned Bigby guided us through the misadventures of middle school with the help of his friends and a messy, post-it note filled guidebook. Why they never continued the series to help us all through college, we’ll never know (a huge missed opportunity). Although in revisiting the series, Ned had some solid advice, applicable to whatever stage of school you’re in. So with the help of Ned, here are five simple tips to help you survive the school year (and help keep those new semester resolutions).


1. Tip #683.4 Avoid overstuffing backpack

There’s nothing like rummaging through a cluttered bag for a specific piece of paper, pulling it out from the bottom, and finding it to be crumpled or ripped apart. So to keep your papers organized and accessible on any day of the week, invest in a file folder, this way you can have all your papers in one place and not at the bottom of your backpack. The same thing goes for three or five subject copybooks if you don’t feel like lugging around five separate notebooks for each class.

In the same stride, buy a planner. Maybe you’re like me and only actually use your planner for 2 weeks every other month (I pride myself on having an OK memory). Although I don’t use my planner as frequently as I want to or should- it still makes me feel like an adult that kind of has her sh*t together. Plus planners can be cute af- my personal favorites are from Ban.do. They have a bunch of cute drawings and little motivational notes on each page, which can brighten up a particularly stressful day.

2. Tip #513.3 – Sit next to new people

It sucks being in a class where everyone seems like they already know each other and you’re just staring at your phone waiting for class to start. College can get lonely, and it might seem that no one wants to be bothered, and maybe they don’t- but chances are they feel the same way as you. A quick hello if you see someone outside of class in passing or even just a smile can make all the difference. And if someone doesn’t want to talk to you, or there’s an awkward vibe, in Ned Bigby’s words: If you’re not making new friends, move. It’s just a matter of time before you make a connection.



3. Tip #857.6 Don’t give up, just practice, get better, maybe taller, and make it next time.

Although this tip is actually about basketball, it’s applicable to your time in college. It’s important to remember that you’re not at college shelling out thousands of dollars because you already know all this stuff. You’re not supposed to have all the answers. College is a time to figure out what you like, what you don’t like, ask questions, change your mindset, or better establish your beliefs and arguments. You don’t have to be the smartest person in the class. And if you royally fuck up, use it as a learning experience, move on, but keep trying.

4. Over-scheduled? Schedule some goof off time.

You know you’re allowed to take a break every once in a while from the pressures of school/work/life. It will even be beneficial to your work if you take time to relax and have fun. It’s okay to go out and party on the weekends or take a break from studying to nap or watch Netflix.

Specifically for New School students, there are a ton of events and programs happening around campus aimed to help students relax, like yoga and active meditation classes. You can also release some stress with acupressure, essential oils, and tea every Monday from 12:30-2:30 in the University Center with Student Health Services. You can also find school-related news and events here.

Don’t feel guilty for letting yourself relax. You deserve it.



5. Tip #611.ii Keep your eye on your work.

You might come into class and hear about a girl and her internship at Vogue this summer and feel like you aren’t doing enough or are behind in some way. It might sound clichéd, but it’s important to remember that college is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough compared to your peers who are doing internships or going out to fancy clubs and parties on weekends – but we often forget that being a student is a full-time job. Not to mention if you’re also a student working a part-time or full-time job. So whether you’re a fifth-year senior, took a year off, or thirty going back for your degree, the pace at which we finish college is unique to every individual. Don’t get caught up in what everyone else is doing. And I’ll leave you with something a friend told me, “Just because your college experience isn’t the same as everyone else’s, doesn’t mean it’s not the experience you’re supposed to have.”

Logan Mahan

New School '20

Logan is a senior studying Journalism + Design at The New School. Her interests include (but not limited to) fashion, politics, red wine, the Bee Gees, playing "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston at every function she attends, and of course, writing. 
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