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Campus Cutie: Noelle Martin ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.


Name: Noelle Martin

Hometown: Wappingers Falls, NY

Major: English: Creative Writing Concentration with a Minor in Deaf Studies

Graduating Year: 2016

Birthday: November 11

Relationship Status: Single


HC: What is your favorite song at the moment?

NM: Jesus Christ by Brand New is my favorite song always.


HC: What is your guilty pleasure?

NM: (laughs) The Vampire Diaries…


HC: What is your sign, if you subscribe to astrology?

NM: I am a scorpio! I don’t actually pay much attention to zodiac signs, but I have always found it interesting that I fit mine to a T.


HC: If you’re not in class, where can you most likely be found?

NM: Most likely doing yoga! I also try to spend spare time with family and friends that I tend to abandon during the semester. And on the rare days when I really have nothing pressing to do, reading a book that is not required for school.


HC:  As a senior in college, what would you tell yourself as a senior in high school?

NM: Stop stressing– what you are doing academically right now will not matter. At all. Ever again. Oh! And maybe to go to prom with a bunch of girlfriends instead of your boyfriend who will dump you the next day (laughs)


HC: In your opinion, what is the greatest misconception regarding millennials?

NM: I’m not sure that I feel completely equipped to answer this question. I’ve heard a lot about us having commitment issues, sexual promiscuity and (my favorite) not knowing how to function with out electronics. I’m not sure that these misconnections are true or untrue for the lot of us, but I do think any misconceptions may have a lot to do with, not only the millennials, but even more so with Generation X, seeing that one generation raises the next one.


HC: How do you motivate others?

NM: I try to motivate others by reminding them to be in their greatness; telling them all the things they can do rather then allowing them to believe they can’t.


HC: How would your best friend describe you?

NM: Ha! I know she’d say something about my confidence and humor. And probably that I’ve always been there for her. (Because she has always been there for me.)


HC: Who in your life has inspired you and how?

NM: My mother. She has never expected me to disappoint her, which has always inspired me to be the best human being that I can be so that I don’t.

Bridget Smith is currently a senior at SUNY New Paltz studying English and Creative Writing. When she isn't brainstorming article ideas for Her Campus, you can find her editing pieces for The Odyssey at SUNY New Paltz or blogging on the world of fashion for CollegeFashionista. Bridget hopes to one day work within the publishing field. She is a lover of rainy days, sunshine, and irony. Connect with Bridget on Instagram: @bridgetsm1th