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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Everyone’s favorite time of the year- the holiday season! This season stirs up a lot of emotion; happiness, joy, and cheerfulness. While these emotions are a part of the holiday season, other emotions are dredged up as well. For me, as the days get shorter and colder, there is a sadness that is present during this season. College has added to these feelings and added some new ones. The transition from hometown to college can be hard and this can contribute to these seasonal feelings. Something I have had to learn is that all of these feelings are capable of existing at once, I don’t need to push down any of them. I wanted to share some of the ways that I embrace and cope with these feelings during this time of the year.


I know it sounds simple, but it is easy to forget. Calling, texting or even writing home makes me feel connected to home, my family and friends. For me, I like to write letters home. They are something physical that makes me feel more connected to the people back home. Plus, if you have people writing you back, it can be something to look forward to! Calling is simple, easy and can help you to feel connected as well! While being in college, you can get caught up in long to-do lists, assignments and lectures. I try to make sure I am remembering to shoot a text, make a call, or send a letter. It always boosts my mood!

Being Mindful! 

The holiday season is a time where I see a lot of unhappiness, plenty of people who forget to be mindful and not a lot of contentedness. Being mindful of what’s going on around can help pass some of the harder feelings associated with this season. Some people like to volunteer, give to charity or even just spread joy with small actions or words. This can lift up the spirits of others around you. Being mindful is my favorite way to get myself out of a wintertime rut. This doesn’t end at helping others. Being mindful of what you are thankful for is something that can combat difficult emotions. When you change your perspective, you can change your life. 

Leaning on a Support System! 

College is a time where you are creating a different support system than the ones at home. With all the excitement of meeting new people and being in a different place, it’s easy to forget that these friends can become your source of strength. While you are creating these support systems, it is important to remember that you can lean on them. The people you meet in college are most likely going through these same feelings, they are good people to reach out to. I have enjoyed getting to know people and making friends in college, they have really been a lifeline for me and they feel like a family here.

Exploring Seasonal Activities! 

A lot of people are facing challenges because of the weather. It is getting darker outside, the temperature is dropping, and everyone’s a little bit more temperamental. One thing I like to do is embrace the seasonal activities that are offered during this time. Getting some friends together to go ice skating, going to a basketball game or watching a holiday movie can be great ways to have fun while embracing the weather. There are tons of ways to be engaged with these activities, especially while in college. Lots of buildings, residence halls and apartments put on winter activities. All of these things can add to brightening your mood!

Being Self Compassionate!

Lastly, my best tactic to make myself feel better is to be self compassionate. It is important to understand that as long as I am doing the best I can, things will be okay. Understanding that sometimes things do not work out the way I hope and that’s perfectly fine! You are your own greatest supporter and your biggest critic. Make sure that the words you are speaking to yourself are helpful and loving. Self talk helps with motivation, this is something that we can all use during this time of the year.

Meredith Wyatt is a writer for Her Campus online magazine! She is a proud part of the North Carolina State University chapter! This is her first year as a part of Her Campus! She is excited to be a part of the Chapter. She likes to write about a number of things, but her favorites are current events, music, and pop culture. Meredith is a sophomore at North Carolina State University. She is majoring in Elementary education. She hopes to teach English as a second language in an elementary school setting. She has a love for children and hopes to make an impact on the next generation of students. She also hopes to find herself writing in her time off. Meredith has been writing for a few years in high school. Her writing has been highlighted by the NCTC High School Play Festival and has won an award for best student written play. Meredith was raised in Gastonia, NC, with her younger sister. She likes to read, hang out with her boyfriend, play tennis, spend time with her family, and find fun things to do with her friends! Her favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She is a huge fan of Taylor Swift and has seen her in concert multiple times!