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Study Situations: Turn off the distractions this Finals season.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Wednesday starts the first day of finals and I know students are all excited to get them done and over with so you can start your summer! But do you have “summeritis” taking over your life and have no urge to study? Here are some helpful hints to help you get productive.

  • De-activate your social media.

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest take up so much time. Take a break de-activate your accounts for the week and then you won’t be able to get back on. If you think you don’t have the will power to keep it deactivated have a friend or parent change all your passwords so you literally can’t get on.

  • Clean the clutter off you desk.

If you like to study in your room at your desk make sure it is clear of clutter and distraction. Most people would do anything to keep from studying so make your desk or area completely study oriented with notes and charts or anything you could need to keep your mind focused.

  • Find a quiet place to do your work.

If your room isn’t a good place to study try somewhere else. D.H. Hill can be rough this time a year so if the library is where you like to be, I would suggest getting there early. If not try going on Centennial Campus or to building around main campus. Riddick and Park Shops have open areas that are quiet and have a great study vibe to get things done.

  • Turn your phone off.

This is easier said than done. But if you aren’t afraid to turn off your phone, do it! Even if just for an hour. We all know how much we rely on our phones they have games, apps and texting, but when finals are on the line they can hold until studying is done.


Finally once you have cleared yourself from distraction and found a nice quiet place to study, all that’s left to do is open your books and get out your notes and get to work.
Finals don’t have to be awful, order a coffee, some food and sit down and get to work. Work hard now to not stress the summer. HerCampus/NCSU wishes the Wolfpack well on all your finals, papers and projects.


Anna is a Junior at North Carolina State University studying Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and minoring in journalism. She writes for a PR blog for her internship and enjoys writing in her spare time as well. She is part of Delta Gamma sorority and loves every aspect that DG has to offer especially hanging with all her sisters. Her future goals include working PR or within with PR either in sports or the entertainment business.