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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

My rule of thumb for Summer 2024. Do it all, honesty. Last summer I barely succeed at all my goals and hopes I had intended on when I knew I could’ve done better than that girl. Now that school is out, finally, I’m more than ready to enter with an absolute bang. Let me tell you all about what I expect to happen for me through the lovely months of May through August.

Firstly, and the most important thing is to get this bag up immediately. I don’t know about you, but money will for sure buy my happiness in more ways than one. Of course, I will be needing to save for my next college semester but truly getting my money up is my first priority and should be yours too. Some has to pay for my beach trips and summer nail sets for real.

Second, I’m truly trying to get the beach trips out of the group chats once and for all. I plan on going on a salty getaway with my best friend to Rhode Island and absolutely encapsulate the new England air with cut fruit and local coffee every day. Enjoying the long car ride to listening to folklore and Domnic Fike the whole way will fulfill my aching heart. With my boyfriend, we want to have a trip to Atlanta, Georgia for the soul purpose of going to the Georgia aquarium. It so huge and my love for scenic views will be accomplished.

Next, I want to do it all, baby. I know I will be spending my summer days getting my bag up and tanning, but oh my goodness, if my friends are reading this, please invite me anywhere and to anything. I do not want to be at my house unless it’s time for bed. I need to make memories that I wish I can go back on and remember forever. Anytime spent with my good friends is time I want taken up.

Lastly, I would like to start decluttering my things. I would say I am quite the hoarder for absolutely anything I can grab and has any sentimental value to me. But there comes a point where, especially with me moving back and forth these next year’s where I need to let go of the things that can either be loved by someone else or needs to be gone because I haven’t thought about it in years. I have started that process but it’s really hard for me. If you have any tips, truly send them my way because I need to learn to let go desperately. And when I do, I know I will feel much better mentally and have a clear headspace.

I hope you viewers will be able to grasp some affirmations and ideas of how I expect your summer to go and of course make every minute count. There is no rest for the wicked as Cage the Elephant once said.

Alexandra Byrne is a member and writer of Her Campus at North Carolina State University. This is her first year of joining Her Campus of 2023. She is in charge of producing and publishing articles, attending meetings, and to encourage support and collaboration for her team. Other than contributing to Her Campus, Alexandra was an extensive member of her high school's student government. Establishing leadership, community service events, and understanding the importance of equity in governing roles. She so then became an active member of her school's Genders and Sexualities Alliance club, in which greater expanded her support for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as hosting school fundraiser events for her local community. Alexandra has a huge green thumb. While being a part of her school's Earth Club, her love mother nature grew. She has contributed to the funds and support of her high school's building of a greenhouse, and so then helped her local community understand the whole heartly importance of sustainability. Alexandra is a freshman at NC State University with the intended major of Civil Engineering. In the next years, she aims to travel as much as possible, and love the career planned for her in the near future. Now here is a little more insight of who Alexandra really is about. Alexandra was born and raised in Concord, North Carolina. She is the oldest of three daughters, so it is safe to say she knows a thing or two about how to share with others. She absolutely loves to go on a spree at any local thrift store among her radius, sipping on iced coffee, reading romance books, and sharing laughs with her close friends. Alexandra is a heavy music listener. She enjoys relating to the entirely of Taylor Swifts and Phoebe Bridgers discography, attending any underground concert she can find, and making thoughtful playlists for her friends.