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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

The time is here that every student at A&T has been waiting on…GHOE! This is going to be a very exciting and fun GHOE. Besides from the fun, we want to make sure that every student is able to have a fun but also a safe GHOE. To make this is possible, here are a few tips to go by to make sure you having fun but doing it safely.



Its ok to go out and have a good time with your friends and have a few drinks. Make sure you never put your drink down, know your limits, and also make sure you have a designated driver or if everyone plans on drinking plan to take a Lyft (Lyft requires drivers to have a background check, Uber does not) Also make sure you eat and also pace yourself. Also do not leave drinks unattended



This is something stressed when it comes to going out, whoever you come with are the same people you leave with. Never leave a party with someone you just met especially if you are both intoxicated, exchange numbers and meet the next day when you are sober and meet in the public.



Use what they call the buddy system. When you need to go anywhere make sure you have at least one other person with you if not two. And if you all have an IPhone make sure you share your locations with each other.



If you are somewhere and you get a feeling you need to leave then listen to that feeling and leave. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry.



Besides everything have fun!!!! You earned this time to let loose and enjoy life you ar at the final stretch for the semester to be over so this is a quick breather! But remember do not let GHOE make you fall behind on your school work


North Carolina A&T Student!
I am Alexis Hooper, President of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University chapter of Her Campus.