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Venus in Retrograde: What to Expect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

Remember when social media was going up in flames about Mercury being in retrograde? Or how everyone was justifying it to be the cause of their emotional breakdown(s)?

Never before had I heard about the planets being in retrograde nor how it supposedly affects our emotions, impulses, and overall lifestyle. I refuse to be caught slipping so, I took it upon myself to gain some insight on what’s to be expected during this upcoming retrograde.

Retrograde is when a planet moves in the opposite direction to Earth. Planets naturally move from east to west of the Sun. But when a planet moves from west to east is when it’s in retrograde. This happens 3-4 times a year, as a planet appears to stop in its orbit which creates an optical illusion of spinning backwards.

On October 5th the planet Venus is said to undergo retrograde until November 17th.  

Have you been experiencing toxic patterns in your love life? Are you unsatisfied in any current relationships? Have you been feeling a flood of emotions stemming from unresolved issues from past relationships?

In Roman mythology, Venus is the Goddess of love and relationships. In Astrology, Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasures we take in life. Astrologers believe Venus retrograde is a time to recognize and reconnect with what’s important to us. To heal any issues in our relationships or hindrance to love. It’s a time to reconsider what we really want from a relationship and what we have to offer someone else.

Meaning you will have 40 days to rethink, review, and reevaluate your love life and relationships, because they will be tested. Expect old friends and lovers to reappear into your life to sort out unresolved issues and/or baggage that you’ve carried from these relationships. Try to reflect on the relationship; why it ended and how you both reacted to the separation.

Astrostyle.com indicated, “During Venus retrograde, sexual tension will be high. You may experience an increased sex drive which may invite short-term flings. Be careful not to lower your standards for the sake of lust.”

WARNING: If your toxic ex or friend tries to snake back into your life, DO NOT ALLOW IT. This “reconnection phase” does not apply to them! Think with your brain & not your gonads!! Leave them where you left them (or where they left you) and KEEP IT PUSHING.

Whoever you do accept back in your life (toxic/non-toxic), it’s important to resist falling back into old habits. Instead, process the grudges you’ve been carrying and let it go. Don’t let your lust get the best of you and don’t be thirsty to make this reconnection something permanent.

This Venus retrograde, take time to revisit the way you love, the way you’ve treated your ex-lovers/friends, how they treated you, and consider what efforts you’re willing to put forth into these relationships.

Good luck through this retrograde! Be rational! Be resilient!


 Born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, Megan is currently a senior at North Carolina A&T State University. She is an English major with a concentration in creative writing, and also minoring in multimedia journalism. This is her third year on the Her Campus NCAT editorial staff.
I am Alexis Hooper, President of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University chapter of Her Campus.