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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.



February is the time of the year where love is in the air. Valentine’s day is a day to show your significant other how much you love and appreciate them. People usually go all out on this day with gifts such as roses, balloons, bears, etc. Many don’t realize you don’t have to wait until February 14th to show someone how much you love them.


Here is a guide on how to keep that spark of love going 24/7, 365 days!


  1. Show them how much you care. Have some flowers waiting for them at work or even when they get home from work. Ladies, men deserve flowers just as much as we do



  1. Leave love notes around the house for them to find when they are least expecting it

  2. Everyday take some time to let your partner know how much you love and appreciate them. If you want to get creative, you can write on sticky notes and put them in a mason jar and every night before bed read one to each other.

  3. Always plan to have a date night at least once a week.

  4. Surprise your loved one with some of their favorite things. Unexpected gifts of appreciation are a definite winner.

  5. Listen to one another by asking how their day was, encouraging them, and comforting them.

  1. Plan a romantic night with the extra layout. Roses and balloons covering the floor, bed and ceiling.

  2. Buy them something you would love to see them wear and lay it out on the bed for them on a surprise date night.

  3. And most importantly do not forget to tell them how much you love them every second of every day.


Use these tips to keep that special spark going in your relationship!



North Carolina A&T Student!