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8 Things I Miss About The States: Italy Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

1. Free water

Free water? Yes, I really miss going out to restaurants and ordering water and it being of no charge. Two Euros for a bottle plus a meal that normally range around 10 or 12 Euros is a lot. I have built the mindset that drinks such as water should be free when going out to eat. This allowed me to have the mindset that “if i’m going to pay 2 Euros for water, I might as well get a soda.”

2. Church

They have churches in the area, mostly monumental but I have not had an experience like the states. I realized that it is not as easy here to find a church. They have ads in magazines of international worship but there is not many. In the states, I used to go to church practically all the time so being here in Milan, where they are known for being quite religious, I found it quite surprising.

3. Manners

Every country has its pros and cons but I realized in Italy that manners are not well taught. I have learned to have a lot of patience over the last three months. People will push and shove with no remorse and sadly that was something I had to adapt to. This really made me appreciate my country more when it comes to this matter. I’m not saying that everyone in the states are polite, but respect is definitely a thing. I would not say that it is everyone in Italy, but I would definitely worn anyone from the states, that “excuse me” is not so popular here.

4. Proper Understanding

The language barrier here is beyond what I initially imagined. Before arriving, I downloaded Italian speaking applications on my iphone to be able to interpret and translate certain things. I admit, this did help a little. I miss being able to meet and hold proper conversations with total strangers without there being any misunderstandings. But the language barrier really does give one the opportunity to learn and interpret better on an everyday basis, which is a sign of growth.

5. Soul Food

Pasta, pizza and seafood. The things I love so much has took its toll on me. America definitely spoiled me with its own interpretation of Italian cuisine. Italy definitely has a strict choice of food. I miss being able to conveniently get hotfries, chicken, baked mac-n-cheese…any and everything that sticks for a couple of hours. Although, I love the food here, I miss the different options I had acquired in the states.

6. Prices

Where are the real thrift shops! I am a very inexpensive shopper and since I have arrived in Milan, I noticed that most people here are rocking the hottest clothes and clothing line. I miss my thrift stores, going into the store buying a small bag of chips for fifty cents or getting food in general food cheaper prices. I never realized how spoiled my country was until coming here. We have so many things practically handed to us and this really makes one grateful.

7. Privacy

Privacy definitely does not exist in Italy. Honestly, housing consists of way more people that need be in one setting. Every metro and bus ride are most of the time always crowded. I miss having quiet environment options. This teaches one to enjoy their own company.

8. Assignments

To say the least, I can admit that I miss my universities teaching methods. I miss having consistent assignments because then there is not much room to forget. Being here, there are not many homework assignments that will test your knowledge. I feel at times that I must look over material and create assignments for myself for better understanding. In the states, I complained often about too much work but I can definitely say I am appreciative of it.

I am a Journalism student at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. I enjoy the thought of expressing oneself positively through creativity.
Hi everyone! I am a sophomore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University who should be majoring in Weddings, but is actually a Journalism & Mass Communications student with a concentration in Multimedia. Originally I am from Woodbridge, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes south of our nation’s capital. I have lived here all my life, but I’m not afraid to branch out and explore the world. This past summer I studied abroad in Sydney, Australia to engage and immerse myself in Australian culture. The experience was phenomenal and I’m already counting down the days until I can return that beautiful country. Check out my Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.