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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

Dear friends in the class of 2017,

This is the year you’ve all been waiting for… Graduation. Even though you’re ready to leave college life behind and start a new chapter called adulthood, I wanted to say a few words to you before you walk across the stage and receive your diploma.

First off, thank you to those who were mentors along the way, who helped me through the good times and the bad. You helped prepare me for classes with teachers I didn’t know of and we got through classes together that weren’t the most interesting topics to learn about. The moments that I have shared with you all have been memorable, like being apart of clubs together, watching you perform senior recitals or senior thesis’s, Quad Jam and Fall Fest.

Even though it is time for you all to move on from Manhattanville College I know each one of you will have a bright future ahead of you. Whether it is moving back in with your parents to get a job, or moving out to living on your own, don’t forget about the people you still have here. Your friends at Manhattanville friends will miss you while your gone living life. Enjoy the next chapter and enjoy senior week and graduation day.



            Your Junior Friend

Mville Class of '18 Musical Theater Major, American Studies Minor.