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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

I don’t know about you, but I hate early mornings. I cannot get myself focused enough to get out of bed. I’ve lost the want to rush to get out of bed to start gulping down a burning hot cup of coffee. No matter what time I go to sleep, it is the same thing every morning; turn off the six alarms that are preset just in case I feel like sleeping in, try to take in the last bit of warmth and comfort from the three blankets on my bed, and then jump out of bed to start the day.

The only thing that I like about the morning is doing my makeup. Every day I wake up most looking forward to seeing how I’ll change up my everyday makeup routine. There are so many possibilities, I could go for a natural look, something fun and bright, or bolder. Usually, I stick with a natural yet bold look because at the end of the day, I know I’m only going to be walking the halls of Manhattanville. As I get started on my makeup, I make either coffee or tea.


As of recently, I decided to cut down on the amount of coffee I had been drinking. At first, the lack of coffee make me moody, but over time it has gotten better. Now, my new go-to in the morning is a cup of hot tea and a cup of Naked. The tea helps settle the chill from the dorm-room, and the Naked makes me feel more alert without having the overwhelming energy from caffeine.

By the time, I am finished with my two morning drinks, I am done with my makeup and trying to find an outfit. My outfits can vary just like my makeup. Usually, I go for a simple shirt with jeans, boots, and a sideways cross I wear every day. However, there are times where I will dress up with a cropped sweater, simple skirt, and a statement necklace. It all just depends on my mood that morning and the crazy weather that we’ve been having. I would not say that I have a crazy sense of style, but working in retail has influenced my appearance. My closet is never ending with clothes and shoes so when I say I have nothing to wear, it is the biggest lie and joke. On a normal day, it will take me about twenty minutes to find an outfit, but there are times that it takes me much longer to find an outfit.

Now it’s time to quickly collect my books, stuff them in a bag, grab my keys and I.D, and run out the door. I’m either running to grab a cup of hot chocolate before class, or I’m running because I am late to work and my manager is going to be waiting for me at the door when I come in to remind me that I’m late. Every day is something new, and you must be prepared to take on the world one step at a time.


Dancer. Lover. Believer. Manhattanville College.