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9 Signs You’re the Side Chick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

9 Signs You’re the Side Chick:

  1. He only talks to you after 10 pm –

Basically, he only talks to you at midnight or later, usually if he’s drunk or just really horny and needs a quick fix because his main is busy, on vacation, or mad at him.

  1. Most of the things you talk about are sexual –

There’s no real depth to your conversations and he never goes past the regular hey, how are things? He doesn’t ask about your sick aunt or how that econ midterm went.

  1. He doesn’t post on social media when you guys are hanging out –

He doesn’t want people to know about you guys for “the sake of both of you” or pulls a “why do we have to be so PDA filled, what’s between us should be enough”

  1. He’s flaky and doesn’t justify it –

He could ask you to hang out and then 5 minutes before say he can’t anymore because he “Has to go pick up his grandma and totally forgot” but then you see him with friends (or another girl) on snapchat 10 minutes after.

  1. You never go out in public together –

Every time you hang out he asks to just “Stay in” and hook up and maybe order pizza and the closest you’ve ever been to being in public together were the times you hooked up in a parking lot in his car.

  1. He doesn’t call you by your name –

He calls you babe or baby but never calls you by your actual name.

  1. He doesn’t make plans with you far in advance –

Most of the time when you guys hang out it’s a quick booty call or he asks you to come over 10 minutes in advance.

  1. He goes MIA without notice –

You guys can be talking every night for a week or two the the next day he doesn’t respond and then doesn’t talk to you at all for over a week.

  1. He only likes your “hot” instagram pics –

We all know the pics we post to get a certain someone’s attention or that we post because we look hot. He never likes the pictures of your dog or the NYC skyline, but he never fails to like the pics of you in a bathing suit or in that super cute black cocktail dress.

*If you’re the side chick, know you’re not alone but you certainly deserve better because there is someone out there that will love you for who you are and treat you like the queen you are! Although it might be hard to end things especially if it’s been going on for a long time, in the long run it will be better for your emotional health to find someone that supports you and is there for you.*