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This Is For You On The Days When You Feel Unloved

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

You feel a sense of deep ripping pain going throughout yourself. How could they do this to you? How could they leave you so brutally, and without a second thought?

Why would they take all of your love and trust that you gave them and just throw it into the wind, almost as if you never even mattered to them– that YOU don’t matter?

I am sure that we have all experienced a feeling of abandonment in our lives where we were left feeling like we were only “second-best” or “not worth it”. Because of this, you will be very aware of how feeling unwanted can change you as a person and the ways that you interact with people.

However, if there is one thing that I have learned on my path through abandonment, is that there are many different shapes and forms that abandonment can take on. That feeling of being unwanted and unloved can manifest itself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. Although all of these things listed are diverse in nature, they do have something in common: the big gaping hole that they leave in our lives. 

It is time to end that void.

On the days that you feel unloved, remember that you are worthy of love

Don’t shake your head or roll your eyes at me. You are. Even when you are at your lowest point. Even when you cannot remember what it felt like to be loved or cared for. You are deserving of a person to talk to on the other end of a phone for hours at a time. You are worthy of having a comforting hand to hold when you come upon a crossroad in your life. Most importantly, you are deserving of someone to give you the biggest bear hugs in the world when you need someone to just let you know that everything is going to be okay. You are worthy enough to come home to the face of someone who adores you until the end of time, someone who will also bear the weight of your fears, and someone who will be there to catch you when you are falling.

On the days when you feel unloved, remember that you are loveable

You are not broken, and you do not need to be fixed. You may be flawed and that is a beautiful thing because that is what makes you human. You are doing the best that you can in this game called life. You are constantly battling your own demons, and that is all that any of us can ask and hope for you to do. Your flaws and imperfections that you have are what make you loveable. Your mood swings, your fiery temper, your clumsiness, the way you sneeze, basically anything that makes you, you, is loveable. All of the mistakes and mess-ups that you have been through are not what is going to hold you back. If anything, they will make you a stronger and wiser person than you were the day before. These things will not break you– they will cleanse you. Trust me, no matter how many more mistakes you make, they will just make you all the more loveable.

On the days that you feel unloved, I want you to know that that void you feel deep within you that aches to be filled, can only ever be filled by you

Love yourself as you have never loved yourself before. Be prepared to love yourself when you feel lonely. Love yourself when those salty crocodile tears are pouring down your face, and you have absolutely no idea how to make them stop. Love yourself through your highest highs and your lowest lows. On the days when you really feel so unloved, you can sometimes be your only savior.

On days when you feel unloved, please for the love of God do not switch off your heart source.

Do not let yourself climb even further down the rabbit hole than you already are. If you keep going further and further, then it will become even harder to climb your way out to the top. Don’t let your love run dry. Continue to let your soul river keep flowing with beauty, wonder and magic. Just keep on showering the world with the love that you have to offer, and don’t keep track of the things that you might get back in return because love does not work this way. The more love that you offer out, then the more love that you will receive, but it will be in the most unexpected and miraculous moments.


On the days that you feel unloved, remember that you are loved. You are cherished. You are adored.

This goes out to you on the days that you feel unloved.

Gabrielle Gray

Murray State '22

Gabrielle Gray is currently a senior at Murray State University majoring in Elementary Education.Other than attending classes, you can find her drinking coffee at Shaffer Coffee Co., eating sushi from Market 22 in the Curris Center, or helping out around the university. Gabrielle is heavily involved at Murray State University by being one of the College of Education and Human Services senators for the 2020-2021 academic year for the Murray State University Student Government Association, volunteering for events being held around campus, as well as being a social butterfly. Check her out this Fall at the Springer housing desk, or when she occasionally works at her second home: Dan's Southern Prep.