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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

To whoever needs to hear it,

For whatever reason you’re reading this, I just want to start by saying your struggle is valid. Sometimes it’s difficult to think our own problems have any worth because there will always be someone dealing with something worse, but your struggle is important, too. Life is tough. It knocks you down and sometimes it’s hard to get back up. I’m not going to tell you it’ll get better or that it’ll pass because that’s what everyone says. You’re probably tired of hearing that. What I do want to tell you, though, that the struggle will be worth it. 

Struggles force us to grow.

Heartbreak sucks, but you have gained so much from it. The relationship that just ended taught you to love so deeply that it hurts. It taught you that it isn’t always about you. It taught you how to work through difficult times. It taught you how to face those difficult times head-on.  After multiple relationships, you’ve realized that you haven’t found the right person yet – because the right person will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. For a while, you always blamed yourself on failing relationships because you felt like you weren’t good enough. In reality, you were more than enough for the other person. Maybe even too much. But that isn’t a bad thing. 

Relationships are vital. Struggling with your relationships takes a toll. If you’re struggling with your relationships, whether it is a SO, friend or even a family member, you are not alone. Toxic relationships are something you don’t have to be afraid to cut out of your life. If someone in your life is not bettering you or helping you become who you want to be, do not be afraid to keep them at a distance. It’s okay to be selfish with yourself. You get to choose who is worthy of having you in their life. 

Photo via Everton Vila

College is hard. Maybe your grades are slipping and you’re not sure you can save them. It’s okay. Take a moment to breathe. Do not beat yourself up over a letter on Canvas. Talk to your professors and let them know what’s going on. Professors are usually very understanding and will be willing to work with you to help your grades. A bad semester is not the end of the world. It isn’t a reason to give up. If you’re struggling with deciding your major or freaking out about graduating, know that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. You don’t have to know exactly what you want or what you want to do with your life. Enjoy the adventure ahead. You are smart, empowered and forever growing.

Maybe it’s a number you’re struggling with. Maybe you are looking down at the scale in tears thinking, “how did I let myself get like this?” You may be looking at girls on Instagram and thinking about how perfect they are. But they are just as insecure as you are, believe me. Someone is probably looking at you thinking the same thing. Try to take part in positive self-talk. Hype yourself up. Celebrate your small successes. You are perfect just the way you are. 

Mental health is always the topic nobody wants to talk about but so many people struggle with it. If you are struggling with your mental health, try to identify what triggers you. Becoming self-aware is one of the first steps to conquering your mental health. Find people you trust and talk to them. Open up about what is going on in your mind. Doing that can help a lot because it ensures you that you are not alone. Surround yourself with people you love. It doesn’t fix everything, but it does make the weight of the world a little less heavy.

I am not going to tell you that it will get better or easier, because that would take away from the sense of pride you will feel when you take the necessary steps into overcoming your struggles. So when you do you can then look in the mirror and say, “I did it. It never got easier, but I got stronger.”

Whatever your struggle is; it is valid and you are not alone.

Sarah Burden

Murray State '20

Sarah Burden is a senior at Murray State University. She is a PR major and minoring in Journalism. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha and loves her ladybugs. In her free time she enjoys experimenting with makeup, drinking coffee, posting on social media and spending time with her bird. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter @sarahburden__