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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Continuing undergraduate studies into graduate school is certainly not for everyone. In order for a student to attend, they must consider financial burdens, emotional and mental health, and different career paths. Deciding to enter into graduate school will affect your life for 2 years, or more, and the decision should not be taken lightly. Here are some reasons why and why not to attend graduate school.

This is why grad school is not for everyone…

Highly competitive

Graduate programs tend to accept fewer people and have fewer spots than undergraduate programs. There is more competition for class scheduling, research, and scholarship money.

Stress levels

Graduate programs are emotionally exhausting. It requires the ability to set priorities and stick to them and possibly working with more maturity.


Graduate schools can be very expensive. Working during studies may help, but the amount of debt built during undergraduate, the cost of graduate school, and potentially the cost of housing, may all play a role in levels of financial success.

No guarantee of a higher paying job

Though you are attending graduate school, a job or even a job that has a higher salary than you would obtain after undergraduate can be hard to come by and are not always promised.

Earning power

You could potentially make a higher salary if you attend graduate school, but this, again, is not always a guarantee.

Career change

During undergraduate studies, many students still find themselves struggling to choose a major that interests them. Graduate programs give students the ability to choose a different track or completely new career altogether.

Employer incentives

Some businesses, if you are hired out of undergrad, will pay partially for you to attend.

Standing out

Among applicants for a job, some employers will seek out people who have more experience or knowledge in the field.

There are so many reasons to attend graduate school, but a plethora not to attend, as well. Other than deciding on a graduate program, many students opt to participate in Peace Corps, take a gap year, work, or not attend at all. All of these options are completely viable-graduate school may just not be for you!