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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

On top of classes and clubs, one of the biggest challenges in college is money. Whether it’s textbooks, going out to eat with friends, or shopping; it becomes hard to keep track of your money and minimize your spending. Here are some ways to overcome this issue.


Track your expenses

One of the most popular trends today is the bullet journal, which can hold much more than daily tasks. Many people also dedicate a page or two towards their expenses, which they’ll use to calculate how much they spend per month. It’s great to figure out where your money is going each month and then you can find ways to minimize the amount your spending.

To save money on clothes…

Clothes shopping is always the death of me. It’s so hard to go into a store and not buy pretty much everything in there. When it comes to shopping in-store make sure you do these few things:

  • When you’re trying on clothes, try and envision when you would wear it, especially if it’s something that’s a little more expensive. If you don’t absolutely love it, don’t get it. Most impulse purchases will end up in the back of your closet and then retired for good.

  • Use Poshmark! Shopping online for clothes can sometimes be overwhelming, but Poshmark is an excellent tool because it allows people to get rid of old clothes and accessories, and the chance to make a little money. For the buyer, you’re often getting great deals on slightly used clothes and accessories.

Find things to do on campus instead

It’s always fun to go off campus and explore your college town but doing that every week is going to cost a lot more than it’s worth.  Usually, there are events on campus every weekend whether it’s bingo, a movie night, or a performance, you’ll still get to do something fun without draining your wallet (plus there’s usually free food)

Take advantage of your meal plan

One of the best things about college is the access you have to food. It’s easy to buy a bag of chips or chocolate from your school’s store, but if you grab veggies or other healthy foods and put them in a to-go container, you can stock up on better snacks in your room. That way you save a few dollars and eat better during the day!

Being in college doesn’t mean you have to break your bank account to have fun, but it does force you to compromise and make smart decisions about where your money is going.  Just be conscience of what your spending and don’t let online shopping get the best of you :)


Sarah Coffel

Muhlenberg '21

Currently a junior at Muhlenberg College studying Media & Communications and French.  I'm a Jersey girl born and raised that loves sushi, makeup and has a very random assortment of songs in my Spotify library