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Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Vote

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Among the many elections in our country’s history, this past midterm election has been a huge success for minorities and women. Not only did the Democrats take back the House, but over 100 women were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. This includes Black, Muslim, Native American, and lesbian women. In addition, the first openly gay governor, Jared Polis, has been elected, which is huge for the LGTBQ community. Young people are voting now more than ever. More and more people are realizing the importance of voting and how their vote DOES contribute. For those who, after all of this, still do not want to vote, there are some serious repercussions. Here’s what happens when you decide not to vote

The future of our children will be impacted

We are all aware that our votes matter. Our votes dictate certain laws and policies that could drastically affect our futures and the futures of our children. If more people continue to not vote, this will just silence communities and won’t provide anything beneficial for the country.

We won’t get accurate representation of the country

The more people who vote, the more representation we will get. This means that we need to hear the voices of people of color in order to help get this country back in the right direction.

We will be going backwards on changes that have already been made

There have been so many important changes made to people’s lives because of certain laws and policies that would not have been possible without our votes. We want to expand these changes and not take any steps back.  

Emily Garber

Muhlenberg '21

Muhlenberg College Content Editor