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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

We can probably all agree that college is pretty stressful. There are deadlines, exams, and responsibilities. Not to mention the stress culture on campus that makes everything even more hectic. However, even as we’re struggling to balance work and duties, it’s important to schedule time for a little self-care. My personal favorite form of self-care is to cuddle up with my darling…laptop and watch some movies!

Here is a list of some amazing feel-good movies recommended by your MHC peers! So, whether you’re nursing a broken heart, de-stressing after a hard week, or just feeling bored, hopefully you’ll use this list to discover some amazing movies to watch!


1. The Princess Bride

“My favorite feel-good movie is The Princess Bride because everyone and all ages can enjoy it. It contains the lesson that love conquers all! I think that’s really beautiful — also both Westley and Princess Buttercup are gorgeous human beings.” –Emily Isakson


2. Amélie

Amélie is my favorite movie because it reminds me to appreciate the little things in life and gives me a break from my usually cynical outlook. It’s also beautifully filmed, and the soundtrack by Yann Tiersen is absolutely genius!” –Sheila Bharat


3. Spirited Away

“I like Spirited Away because it’s a beautiful coming-of-age story with a great heroine, beautiful music, beautiful animation, cool characters, cool mythology, and a cool relationship that isn’t forced. It’s a chill time, man. It’s fun to watch.” –Cynthia Gonzalez


4. Mulan 

(Note: The trailer opens with flashing lights, so if you are epileptic or sensitive to lights, please do not watch this trailer.)

“At the end of Mulan I always get inspired to go after my dreams and kick everyone’s butt.” –Stirling Mackie


5. Lilo and Stitch

“My favorite feel-good movie is Lilo and Stitch, because it stresses the importance of family and features a spunky, quirky main character with whom I can identify.  The humor is smart yet warm, and it’s just one of Disney’s best movies.” –Deanna Kalian


6. The Incredibles

The Incredibles is by far my go to feel-good movie, and that’s because it’s incredibly funny, all the characters are super relatable to even college students, and of course, ‘No capes!’” –Ally Stoll


7. Big

“As someone who is way too future-oriented, the young version of Tom Hanks’ character is super relatable… and then he’s suddenly an adult and isn’t really sure what’s going on, and that’s also relatable. Plus Tom is a gem!” –Andrea Hernandez


And my personal favorite:

8. Hocus Pocus

I love it because it’s so cheesy and corny, but really sweet. I can watch it at literally any time of the year, and it always makes me smile. Also, it has brilliant quotes like: “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!”

As you can see, the students of Mount Holyoke have amazing taste in movies. From Disney, to comedy, to anime, and everything in between, there’s a feel-good movie for every occasion on this list. Hopefully it will inspire you to have your own movie-night when you just need a break!


Images: Cover

If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email mt-holyoke@hercampus.com.

Sarah Washington is a sophomore at Mount Holyoke College. She is from Wilbraham, Massachusetts. She is a prospective Sociology Major. Sarah's passions include social justice, increased visibility for multiracial individuals, feminism, and LGBT rights. Her other loves include makeup, writing, reading, and music.
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.