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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Oh, the 5-College Consortium, how I love you. Often advertised by MHC as a way to connect with the towns nearby, and take advantage of all the knowledge provided, it is mostly known as the place people go when they can’t complete their major. I believe this has given the 5 Colleges a bad reputation as the place where dreams go to die, which is SO WRONG! The 5 Colleges are where dreams go to LIVE! Here are 4 reasons why:

1- You can broaden your learning

Many of the colleges have departments that MHC couldn’t even dream of having, which allows you to learn about everything you’d like, including very niche subjects. I am especially taking advantage of UMass’ Brazilian Studies department. Did you know that Amherst College has a Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought major? You could take classes in THAT, pre-law folks!

2- You can meet new people

I know this might not be a compelling argument for introverts, but it is so much fun to get to know people in the other colleges. Each college indeed has their own personality, and it is so incredible to watch. You know those niche subjects you want to study at the 5 Colleges? You can meet people that are interested in that too! Additionally, it’s always good to make professional connections with professors in the area.

3- You get to know a new academic environment

I absolutely love the MHC classroom environment, but sometimes it can be fun to shake it up! I have a friend who could take Calculus I here, but she wanted to know what it was like to be in a 300-person lecture hall. She hated it, but at least she got to try it out! Additionally, I believe all schools have a mix of environments – my UMass class has 20 people – so it’s nice to see how it looks with different folks.


PVTA, my beloved. How wonderful is it to be able to just take a break from the world, and watch the Pioneer Valley fly by the window while listening to my favorite Spotify playlist. I understand that it takes a bit of extra time to get to the campuses, and that can be frustrating – I have two tardies on my record because of bus delays – but the peace of mind it brings really triumphs everything.

Academic advising week is coming. What are you waiting for? TAKE A 5-COLLEGE CLASS!

hello! class of 2026, neuroscience major, nice to meet you! some stuff I love is my family, my friends, studying, learning, meeting people, talking, reading, writing, eating, traveling, trains, public transportation, road trips, nature, crossing borders, my homeland of Brazil, being a Posse scholar, Williston Library, being at Mount Holyoke, working... but most of all, I love the world. I love love. and I love you! ps - i write a lot about the past. that means i'm over it <3 u get the gist!