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Why this school year will be your best one yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

It’s that time of year again! Time for school supply shopping, time for packing up all of your personal belongings and most importantly: time to move back to East Lansing. Amidst all of the hustle and bustle of moving back to your school-year home, I hope you realize that THIS year is going to be your best one yet.


You’re smarter.
And I’m not just talking about the memorization of the constellations you did for your ISP course. You know how to live on your own, manage your time, and be successful academically in college. You know what workload is right for you and that professors and T.A.’s can be extremely valuable resources. And this year, no matter which year of school you’re entering, you will learn even more about yourself and your potential to succeed.

You’re prettier.
Maybe you’ve spent the summer outside and are returning with bronze glow, or you got a new haircut that really rocks. Or maybe you simply realized that your boots with the fur do not, in fact, go with every outfit in your wardrobe. No matter what beautification took place in your world this summer, you’re back on campus and looking better than ever. Use this confidence to your advantage and meet some new people, join a club, or score that coveted internship.

You know more.
Not necessarily book smarts, but shall we say, street smarts. You know that your stilettos look hot, but will hurt your feet before you even arrive at that frat party. You are also aware that Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day are apocalyptic level social events in East Lansing. You’ve mastered the bus routes and learned tips and tricks along the way that have undoubtedly contributed to your success along the way. Now that you’re acclimated to college life, you can use this knowledge to thrive.

You’re done with that.
You know what I mean. That guy who’s a player, the gossiping ‘friend’, and the, like, super obnoxious girl in the apartment next door. A new year means another fresh start, so use this opportunity as best as you can. Get rid of the things in your life that are bringing you down, and re-focus your goals. Know what you want, and make a plan of how to get there.

You get another chance.
Let’s say you applied for and didn’t get the highly sought internship that you’ve been eyeing for a while. Good news: you get another shot. Having another year under your belt will give you more experience and allow you to strengthen and tailor your resume to ensure you’ve got the internship in the bag. A new year gives you another chance to make a sports team, rush a sorority, join a club, or do anything that you’ve been wishing you had done last year. It’s never too late to make the most of your college experience.

So, collegiettes™, use this year as an opportunity to make college what YOU want it to be. Go on adventures, have fun and, of course, study hard.

Tina Berisha is a senior at Michigan State University.  She is currently interning at City Pulse, a local alternative weekly, as a reporting intern. Tina is also a communcations/marketing intern with the Michigan Recreation and Park Association. When asked what she wants to with her life, Tina often changes her mind but one thing remains the same- she wants to help people in her surrounding community.